Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion

Warhammer 40k or Lord of the rings

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I stopped playing the main games some years ago. I still have a huge chaos army that i am looking to sell to free up some space.
The only games I play now are Blood Bowl and the odd game of Necromunda.

Short snout:

--- Quote from: Wolfie Fox on May 12, 2007, 11:20:17 ---Bah, I don't like war hammer.  I prefer Command & Conquer :P
*sends his uber GDI furry army of doom after you* >:D

--- End quote ---

Agreed!! C&C rocks

The skrin are anoying little B*****DS

Short snout:
I do also like warhammer and Have a VAMPIRE COUNTS army and a DARK ELDAR ARMY

My winged nightmares and Blood dragons  will kick your Anus noobs!! lol :D :D

i do warhammer 40k dose any one go to the trafford center
because thats where i go to play

plz contact me if u whant a game


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