Hiya, I consider myself a newfur cus I've only been in the fandom for about 3 years and haven't really gotten into it a huge deal but after realising that its now become a part of me I can't seem to seperate myself from it, neheh, not like I wanna anyways but yeah. I basically discovered furries by a somewhat accident, to run the story short, my friend was hiding yiff art of Renamon on a CD that had programs on it that he had lent to me thinking I wouldn't look into the half a dozen New Folders he had put them into with the second to last folder called "Do not go any further" and the last one called "yiff" lol. Anyways, when I became a member of an online vertual world called Second Life Ie met a person who was using a black fox fursona so I got asking questions. Unfortunetly my questioning leaded me to be dumped at a furry club due to the fact that he thought I was one of those who actually likes yiff art. Truth to be told, I somewhat do but to the majorety I don't, I definetly don't like animals private parts, so canine cocks are a definate no no for me, however I believe in live and let live so I don't care what others like thats their business, we're all still furries in my books since we all like the same thing, anthromorphics
Anyways I just wanted to say hi and give myself a little introduction, so, there it is, HI! ^_^