Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Announcements (CF2008-CF2011)

ConFuzzled Events Timetable

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Matt the Lion:
Hello Everyone!

With just over a month to go until the start of this year's convention, I would like to introduce you all to the very wonderful ConFuzzled 2010 Events Timetable!

Head over to the events page on our website to find out what will be happening when!

Please bear in mind that the events listed on these pages might change, we recommend for the final events schedule that you should check your convention booklet with will be given to you at registration.

looking like alot of fun ^^ oh anything about conbadges yet ?

Now playing on iTunes: The Killers - Andy, You're A Star
via FoxyTunes

Matt the Lion:
I anticipate an email will be released this week with details on how to upload con badges - we're just waiting for the payment deadline for residential members to pass so we can finalise who's staying in the hotel.

Nice work, this certainly looks like it'll be a busy fun filled weekend. :)

Definately looking busy, I'm waiting to see the results of this year's failsuits :)


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