Author Topic: Hotel Occupancy - Booking directly  (Read 7224 times)

Offline RizzoRattie

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Hotel Occupancy - Booking directly
« on: March 21, 2011, 17:27:30 »
Hi Everyone,

this is a rather important announcement concerning having full occupancy on the entire hotel.  Whilst we never want to react to whispers on the wind, it has been brought to our attention that some people may have opted to book a hotel room directly with the Country House Hotel for the Friday/Saturday/Sunday.  Whilst we have checked our registration system and it appears that all those registered are local to the area, this still might be the case.

If this is indeed true, whilst it being a bit sad to think people are trying to find loop holes in our process, I have to make everyone aware at this time that if you have booked directly with the hotel, since we have secured the entire takeover of the venue, anyone in their booking system not in ours, is going to be moved to another hotel which is down the road.  This has been confirmed both in person and in writing from the hotel.

Therefore, if this does apply to you, I strongly urge you to re-evaluate your registration before it closes at the end of the month. You now have only 10 days left, and rooms are selling out very quickly.  If you turn up on the day and are moved to another hotel, you will not come under our responsibility but the hotels and we will have no interjection with their process.

Hopefully these are all false rumours and no one is going to be impacted.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at ConFuzzled 2011, and a near full capacity crowd at the Britannia Country House Hotel! 

Kind Regards,

Venue Liaison

Forgive me for not jumping for joy, bad back you know ~ Scar; The Lion King