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ConFuzzled 2011 Charity


Matt the Lion:
ConFuzzled are proud to annouce that our charity for this year will be the International Otter Survival Fund!

The International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) is one of the world's leading otter charities. In the UK, IOSF is the only charity solely dedicated to the conservation, protection and care of otters based on 20 years of scientific research in the UK and around the world. The following excerpts from their website give a good explanation of their motivation and the work they do.

"Otter numbers in the UK have increased slightly in recent years but the Eurasian otter is still classed as “Vulnerable” in the Red Data List. Through education, research, influencing policy and partner-working the IOSF is making progress but there is still much to be done here in the UK and in other countries where otters are at risk."

"The IOSF aims to work with local communities throughout the world to educate, inform and encourage the protection and conservation of otters. We want people throughout the world to be as appalled by otter hunting as we are towards tiger and rhino hunting. We would like to educate people on the benefits of otters, what healthy populations mean for the environment, and dispel myths that are causing otters to be intentionally disturbed, persecuted and hunted."

"By helping to raise funds for the IOSF, you are helping to pay for research into increasing otter populations world-wide, educating those in areas where otters are still hunted, helping rear otter cubs that have been lost or abandoned and much more. For example, otter cubs cost about £1,000 to rear in terms of food, vet bills, etc. They stay with their mothers for 12-15 months so we have to release them at about the same age – if we release them too early they will not survive. This is why the food bills are so high."

"The IOSF wants to protect otters so that future generations to come can enjoy one of the world’s most charming, elusive and enjoyable mammals."

Through donations, charity sales and our art auction, ConFuzzled hopes to continue our history of great donations to the chosen charities. So dig deep - the otters need you! We're confident that we can beat the total given to charity last year!

am i allowed  to post here about afuture charity,,if yes ok,,,,, if not then  in sorry!!!!!!!!!!

The Wolf conservation trust would be an awesome charity to support,,, they raise awerness on all aspects of the wolf and do meet and greet sessions with american timberwolves!

they also do some awesome plushies and hand puppets..... this would be agr8 charity to support as im sure like me there are other wolf furries on here,,
this is only a suggestion and im sorry in advance if im not allowed to post here!

Hi Anubis,

thank you for the suggestion. Obviously for this year the decision has been made and will only run with one charity a year.  One thing to bare in mind is that I believe RBW have aleady done The Wolf Conservation trust.  Not that this should suggest we never would, but we like the idea of spreading the 'wealth' around so to speak, as there are some very deserving charities out there.

Kind Regards,


 i know youve chosen this years charity,,but just suggesting for future cons /thanx.                 Regarding this years charity ,        a few years agoe  i saw a family off otters nr the river where i was staying,            Im not gonna say where of course.

Bungle Bear:
Good choice on the charity! I hope the fundraising goes well, after seeing the response at US conventions I hope for the same outcome over here at my first UK con :D

I'm going to have to see about donating a little extra methinks, lest I be taken out back and beaten by Tungro :-p


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