Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Announcements (CF2008-CF2011)
Schedules and Volunteers
--- Quote from: Anubis huskie Wolf! on March 08, 2011, 12:06:36 ---just a quick note,,,,,i volunteered i think last year and i never got any email.
--- End quote ---
what i meant to say was i filled in a volunteer form last year cos it said you got discounted membership1 but i never heard anything. sorry
Perhaps next year the discount could be put in with a code provided to those that helped out the previous year? I don't recall a discount or other incentive mentioned for helping this year for next year.
Could there be some clarification please on this?
Matt the Lion:
Discounts have been given to last year's volunteers against their registrations this year. You would only get the discount if we had a record of the volunteering work you did; if you helped out and didn't get the discount then please email and we'll look into it.
This year we'll be giving volunteers rewards at the convention for the work they do, although the exact nature of these are yet to be determined.
Gold stars? Love those little shiny things.
We did that in the YHA, still have some stuck to some sound equipment ^_^
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