Author Topic: re-introducing me  (Read 4988 times)


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re-introducing me
« on: February 15, 2011, 11:21:04 »
have been an avid collecter of plushies for many years, mainly stuff from the lion king and disney movies. I first found the fandom via you tube whilst watching animation.

I like many films but ones featuring wolves and furry animals/cannies.  My fave has to be bolt and the recent alpha and omega!

i can be rather silly at times but calm down eventually. ;D ;D do not expose to ;BEER;.  ???    I  would say im rather shy but once i get to know you in ok.

At present own a white rabbit suit, although my fursona is off a wolf/huskie. hoping one day to get a huskie fursuit! when the cash situation is better!

I also love lycans...ok werewolves, am mad about these to the point id love to be one!     This will be my first ever furcon,,so im kinda nervous!     

hope to see you all at the con,,furrry hugz 2 ALL! ;D ;D ;D