Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Announcements (CF2008-CF2011)

Your feedback urgently required - Food for thought

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I'd go for the main meal with a choice of desserts for £8.95 option.

Meals are more formal and social. They give you more time to relax and eat at your own pace.

Buffets while casual, always seem to rush you out for the next person. Along with that, buffets involve everyone grabing what they want...
and i would prefer less human contact from the cooking to eating stage as possible.

Bungle Bear:
I like the courses idea :)

And Blue's also for the course idea! :) Just popping that here as he's not registered here, and it keeps all your responses in the same spot :D

Me and Leo prefer the £8.95 option

James The Dog:
I'd say the £8.95 option is probably the best option myself as well.

James The Dog:

--- Quote from: Shaggi on March 17, 2011, 22:50:08 ---That said, I probably won't be eating at the hotel XD DOMINOS AHOOOOOY

--- End quote ---

One of my friends dragged me off to another part of the hotel just before the Dominos ordering got underway last year, annoyed me a bit XD. Won't be making that mistake this year!


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