To echo what Flint has already told you, fursuiting is not just about having a huge bank account. I for one personally think that some people are able to 'buy' their popularity status by affording some of the top end fursuits out there, yet they are over shadowed by top performers that, as flint says, spend a fraction of the price on a suit.
The main aim is to have fun, but for me, its about entertaining the audience. Getting dressed up in suit and over heating is worth it when I know I have reached the crowd. Just standing around motionless is boring, and not really entertaining. Therefore, you dont need to spend thousands on a fursuit to achieve that, its all about how you bring the character to life.
My suits have all ranged for as little as £100 to in excess of £1000 yet of all of them, the one that sticks out the most is Brum bunny. It was so poorly constructed, when a friend of mine, and a very good performer, got a hold of it, he brought it to life for what it was.. and it worked so well!
Dont worry about letting people down, you dont owe anyone anything. Just be sure to enjoy yourself.