ConFuzzled Forums > Off-Topic

Cap Guns

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I'd have concerns over use of cap guns inside the hotel because firing them off might trigger the smoke detectors, which would result in the entire hotel being cleared of people.

I've never seen a cap gun give off enough smoke to trigger a detector, but as they are not permitted byt he code of conduct (as linked above) I can't see an issue.

I'm also pretty sure security would take a dim view of a cap gun being used anyway.


--- Quote from: SFW on September 14, 2011, 21:55:42 ---I've never seen a cap gun give off enough smoke to trigger a detector, but as they are not permitted byt he code of conduct (as linked above) I can't see an issue.

I'm also pretty sure security would take a dim view of a cap gun being used anyway.

--- End quote ---

See the above post by Graafen Blackpaw that apparently permitted use of a cap gun.

I'm not sure of the desire to specifically want a cap-gun. Setting off loud surprise gunshot like noises in the con public spaces isn't going to make the hotel staff happy at all. I can only really see them being allowable during stage acts.

I wouldn't want anyone in the audience of any event I'm running to be carrying a cap gun. For the same reason I wouldn't want them carrying a rattle, an air-horn or a vuvuzela.

Matt the Lion:

The question asked was whether it was permissible to carry the cap gun as part of a costume - the non realistic one pictured was deemed permissible.

However, firing a cap gun is an entirely different matter and would certainly not be allowed indoors - at the least the noise is likely to cause upset to other attendees, amongst other problems. We would also suggest that it isn't used outdoors either - we don't want hotel staff to mistake it for a real firearm.

The Dark Knight:
What Matt said is correct so I'm not going to repeat it. :)


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