As we all know, Confuzzled and the May MCM London Expo are unfortunately scheduled to occur the same weekend this year.
However, it was mentioned to me in a chat that some Britfurs have apparently been discussing a one-day trip to the Expo, car-pooling there and back again, maybe on Saturday?
If this is the case, I would very much like to join you guys! I visited the Expo last October and had a blast, and discovering I couldn't go this year and see all the friends I made last time was a big disappointment to me. So I'm definitely up for a day-trip! I'm flying in, so I don't have a car to offer, but I will of course pay my share of the petrol expenses if I can hitch a ride. :}
If some of you out there are indeed thinking of doing this and have a seat to spare for a very small gryphon, please let me know? ^_^