Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion

Not another Halo 3 thread

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I thought I'd make this one of it's kind. I don't want Halo 3.

I went out on the day of release and I bought Half Life 2 as I now have a computer capable of playing it.

And it cost me £15 and it's immensly better.

Why should I go and spend a stupid amount of money on the xonsole and game?


Broken Splinter:
Because PC suck they crash most of the time even when your doing everything right.

Console are stress free and I don't have to run out and by ram every 6 months.

No, you just have to buy a new console every 2 years. which is an upwards of £300-400. Ram nowadays is what.. £20?

And lol consoles crash more than PC's, and most consoles are underspec for playing games. Halo 3 is hardly pushing the XBOX 360, it looks the same as the first. HL2 is beautiful,a nd you can throw coke cans at people.

Broken Splinter:
5 years I'll thank you very much

The Dark Knight:
PC's only crash if you don't look after them. And I have to agree with SerFox that HL2 looks better than Halo 3 does (on the right hardware, mind).

Let's not forgot the XBox 360's famous "Ring of Death" that people have been getting, and that was just through normal use. Sure it wasn't a crash but it did leave the console completely unusable until it's been repaired.

The problem with PCs are that they are high maintenance; they're kinda like cars in that respect as you need to keep your eye on the vitals and perform periodic checks.

Either way you look at it PCs and Consoles are two different kettles of fish. PCs are tools that run games, where as Consoles are purely for games but with slight PC like abilities.

Having said that, the 360 is a pretty meaty console and in my opinion will in the long run end up winning the 360/PS3 "war".


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