Author Topic: New Person in need of a Room share (double)  (Read 7204 times)

Offline Mr Fitzpatrick

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New Person in need of a Room share (double)
« on: April 17, 2012, 23:12:01 »
Greeting to all that take the time to read my humble little post.

Before I begin, it is the least I could do that I could introduce myself a little.

I am a 26 year old male, a human.  I don't smoke, and I don't drink (allergic to alcohol).  It will be my first time, and I am curious as well as excited at the prospect of see something different, something new, meet new people, making friends and having fun!

Anyway, I have booked a double room, and I had received an e-mail talking about room sharing, because I booked a double.

So, I am here, seeing if there will be any takers?


I am sorry to be a bit of a bother, but there are a number of things that I would like to ask.

I would prefer if I can share with:

A non-smoker (Personal reasons)
A lady (not counting fursona (I learnt the term from a friend))
A light/social drinker or Non-alcoholic (Just because I can't drink, it does not mean that I can't enjoy a good time!)

I know that this might be a bit much, but I don't suppose that the kind lady that wishes to share would be an angel and show me round?

Offline Cursico!

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Re: New Person in need of a Room share (double)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 21:45:10 »
          I also have a Standard Double Room but no idea who I might be staying with. This is also my first convention, although this is because I was 17 when the last Confuzzled was hosted and I settled for miserably watching the Youtube videos of everyone else having fun (b'awwh) so it's not quite the same. I must warn you that there is a chance that I just won't like the whole experience (I am a social delinquent for the most part) and will just start moping around the room but more likely I will not even be in there for most the time.

I do not smoke of any description nor am I in a house of smokers so all is well there.
I do not drink alcohol (although I may, so no absolute promises there... it is highly improbable though).
I am also a lady (with a pair of male alter-ego's: Cursico and Steve. I think I will let everyone call me Cursico for the duration of the convention).

But now I must ask you some things:
Are you gay? As I am not comfortable sharing a bed with a straight male, and I am liable to steal the duvet and sleep on the floor. I may do that anyway... I wonder if the beds pull apart.

I will be waking up early on a Monday morning as I have a test to do on that day (of all the days it had to be... it had to be that one! I hope the exam board has a last minute change so I can enjoy my last day at the convention) which will involve a noisy alarm and some disturbance so if you are planning on having next to no sleep then that is not a good mix!

Running from the last one- are you planning on keeping a solid sleeping schedule (in bed at ten, blah blah blah) or planning on pushing it but not going too far (in bed at 1AM) or are you going to go nuts and stumble in at 5AM for a power nap? I'm planning on the middle option and make no promises on how quiet I'll be coming in or how grumpy I'll be if woken up for an extended period of time.

Do you have a con badge? If we are to be room-mates, then I will be happy to Self Advertise make a quick one for you, laminate it, put it on some string and bring it on the day of the convention.

I think that is all... hope to hear from you soon.

Offline Mr Fitzpatrick

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Re: New Person in need of a Room share (double)
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 22:37:12 »
Hello and thank you for replying!

I am NOT gay.  I am DEFINATELY a straight male.

As for the sleeping arrangements, I am sure that a suitable compromise can be made, but I believe that I will PM you momentarily to go through a few suggestions.

I am not on a "Tight" schedule, if I am enjoying myself, then time will fly, but I am not of the ilk to be up until the earlier hours of the morning.  I am likely to be within the first or second option, but not the "power-nap" option.

I don't have a badge upon my person currently, but I thought you get a conbadge as a part of what you pay for, regardless of the ticket etc.

However, one thing that I do pride myself is the fact that, among the various social circles that I am a part of, from cosplaying to warhammer, to D&D and CCGs, I am reputed for being a polite gentleman.

Offline Cursico!

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Re: New Person in need of a Room share (double)
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 22:37:22 »
Sorry, but after much deliberation I'm not entirely comfortable with sharing a room with a straight man who specifically asks for a woman and then feels the need to capitalise their heterosexuality when it's evidently not the best arrangement for me.
I think I'll be taking my chances that whichever randomer I get placed with is either another (straight) woman or a gay man- considering the usual demographic of furries, I'd say it's more likely for me to wind up  with the latter and time will tell if my gamble pays off.

Best of luck with finding another room mate anyway, I hope you don't take my decision personally :]

Offline Mr Fitzpatrick

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Re: New Person in need of a Room share (double)
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 13:40:18 »
Curisco: I don't take it personally, and I wish you luck in finding a share that is suitable for your needs.

I have my reasons for being specific, although, they may not be necessarily obvious ones.

However, part of the reasoning is based not upon sharing with other people, but with having a variety of neighbors in either rooms (from cosplaying) or tents (such as when LARPing).  Despite the specifics and the reasons for them, I do not like the idea of tarring people with the same brush.

However, based upon a number of circumstances, I find that women are better than men in a good number of aspects, and thus my preference.