Author Topic: How do you identify with your Furry species?  (Read 22467 times)

Offline Blaster2

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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2007, 08:33:26 »
I used to growl and snarl between calls at my old job. I got a few strange looks at first, but after two years there people just accepted it as one of my quirks, just like wearing combat pants to the office, packing two days extra food and an emergency kit into my work bag, and the ability to down two dozen cups of coffee before lunch.

Heh, I snarl, growl and bark, but that's due to my Tourette's Syndrome. I have a mild form which means I have minor motor and vocal tics. Once people at work found out, they were fine with it. But my current job is the ONLY job where I actually revealed it to my employers! Just to ease other Furs' minds, I do NOT suffer from the widely publicised severe form of Tourette's Syndrome which causes the sufferer to utter obscenities unwillingly!!


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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2007, 18:15:22 »
He he, Tourette's symptoms vary so not all will do the swearing thing.


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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2007, 21:31:55 »
Well I've always had canine traits... I was born into a family with dogs, loved dogs and now own my own, also I tend to prick my ears (which someone mentioned to me that I did...they don't move much but eh human ears aren't all that mobile) I understand dogs and it's fun playing with my Staffy, I can understand the subtle postures and such. SO that narrows it to canine. Now, I love Foxes, always have done, and my personality somewhat reflects that, I can be exceedingly sly, manipulating people with very subtle suggestions and such (I do have high morals though so I don't use this to my own gain, usually to get out of trouble when I used to be bullied) I'm smart but can be extremely dumb at the same time.. and very daft. I also love the way foxes are deemed as a sexy symbol, I.e Foxy lady etc. I hate fox hunting but my views are complicated on the matter. I can howl,. bark and imitate most animals I've so far come across but I can produce really high pitches so the foxish yap, yip is common.. I don't say Ouch if i hurt myself either, I yelp or yip..not out of my own will though, well you dont think about what noise you make if someone hits you do you? I can also purr (in the way cats do, within their throats) and growl/snarl when I'm annoyed XP. But yeah mostly I just love foxes ^_^ and the winter so Astro is an Artic fox ^_^

Offline Lilsi

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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2007, 10:46:38 »
I growl when annoyed, and i bark. 

But i generally follow my animal like my totem spirit, its my life guide and i follow its rules and
its path. Im loyal, i get angry if people hurt my friends, which i class as my family. I am also
a person who will only have a long term relationship, if i do go out with someone i aim for it to
last for a long time, i wont date anyone unless i can see me with them in the future, and im also
manogumous, like wolf is.

Offline Feera Fox

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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2007, 12:57:21 »
Ok That's A Question And A Half Oh, How do you identify with your Furry species?
Yes But Have You Ever Though Of This "How does your Furry species identify with you?"

well I'm Crafty Sly Yes As To My Furry Species, Could The Question How
does your Furry species identify with you?, Come Under Spirituality.
I Feera Fox, Say Turn A Question On It's Head Then You Get More
Questions And Answers. Just A Thought.  :)

PS: Just E-Mail Me With Questions
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 13:13:16 by Feera Fox »
* I don't know when i'll be able to go2 CF again debt rears it's ugly head until then hugs and peace to all *
Animals that change reality, are in the dreamtime, of a world forgotten, yet destined to rise again in the
hearts of those who dance in the dreamtime. ye time is coming, it's time to sing

Tori Belliachi

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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2007, 00:45:13 »
Identify? My dear chappie I AM a wolfy type. XP

Nah, I just always did the growly, bitey (which I did a few times O.o) thing before I even knew of said furry fandom. And the wolf just popped straight into my head when it came to the fursona choosing ceremony. Might have been subconscious and all. Even though now I am a fox/wolf hybrid, cause those damn cute foxes got to me!

that and I'm the only person I know who climbs stairs on all fours regularly!  ;D

Add your own damn editorial overlord to that list! It's even funnier when I'm wearing mah collar and tail while doing so. All jangly... :P


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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2007, 14:04:42 »
Actually i am a cow, but to the con i will show up in my husky outfit.


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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2007, 19:15:47 »
I'm hyper, I'm (told that I am) cute, I have a bouncy personality, but in hostile situations I'll back off slowly then usually scaper..

STuff, basically  :P

Offline Feera Fox

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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2007, 13:35:12 »
well, i'm a bit shy in someways, i like hugs then again who does'nt like that warm
fuzzy feeling, i'm as feera very excentic, but i am a bit scared to ask to be hugged
because i'm afraid, i may get misunderstood, so i wait for them to offer, I identify
with feera because he is part of me, since when putting him on, he changes
me slightly i'm very playful, crafty. and rather into my fox pratices, it's
wonderful apart from the overheating if i ware him for too long, also
he makes me a bit of a trickster at times. he is me and i am him.  :)
any questions please feel free to ask, i welcome it.

my name has an unusual root but, the name feera i can't trace, this gives a bit of
mystery to him it was intended to mean "Fee/Fairy Ra/Sun", but it turned on it's
head, and came back to bite me, as it turned out to be a little cheeky but nice,
this changed the way i indenified with him, as once you have put out a name
you can't go back on it. this made me laugh as the name grew on me.
thank god, it did not mean something silly like jelly.  :)

« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 13:50:23 by Feera Fox »
* I don't know when i'll be able to go2 CF again debt rears it's ugly head until then hugs and peace to all *
Animals that change reality, are in the dreamtime, of a world forgotten, yet destined to rise again in the
hearts of those who dance in the dreamtime. ye time is coming, it's time to sing


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Re: How do you identify with your Furry species?
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2007, 15:12:19 »
Being a house cat I like to sleep a lot (anywhere I lay my head), eat chicken & fish lots and have a love of milk.  I like being outside and snuggling up indoors equally, I'm inquisitive (especially about stuff that smells unusual).  I'm happiest when on my own, preferably up a tree (asleep or daydreaming).  I'm fiercly protective of my pride / family, even the members of which I don't get on with.

We have four cats, they treat me and my other half as the alpha male / female, so it kinda makes sense :)