Author Topic: 2012 Feedback  (Read 79349 times)

Offline Ragear

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2012, 22:11:22 »
ok, here we go:


man, most of the +/- points have been adressed in previous posts. I haven't been at previous UK cons, Uncle Kage commented on the Britannia Hotel in his ususal punny way so I did get an impression. The Barcelo Hinckley Hotel was an excellent choice, it's layout very accommodating, I felt right from the start on. And the breakfast ... I just ate too much. There were enough function rooms to do panels. And flying in GoH's by chopper, wow, kudos to that idea. Overall I say I got my bang out of the bucks I spent. With interest. Especially fun was after a day that all those truck-drivers were expecting something to see and started calling out for suiters by blowing the horn when going by! crazy!! I've been at the EF last year, and frankly, leaving the size out, the Barcelo was a way better place for such a con. The Maritim does not feel so guest-friendly. Especially I found the selection of food&drink with a hearty con price deduction excellent!!
One special detail: All electric used in the dealers den required a testing. Whose idea was that? Some stuff took until the next day, it hampered setup, and I'm rather sure no electrical gear used by attendees in their rooms had to be tested, so I wonder what this was for and wether this couldn't be handled different next time. Short visual inspection for damaged cables and evident problems should suffice and if anyone starts saying electrical safety & fire hazard issue, I'll take the black photo shoot backdrop with the electrical bulbs stuck right into the fabric and start whacking it on him :-)
in detail:
i) breakfast: good, enough, coffee
ii) BBQ: I only attended the first, food was ok, but i waited too long. Dessert was gone...
iii) The Donutsh was cool music, but the sound level was way too high. I was deafened. And besides: a bar is for chatting...
4i) could you close down the A5 during convention?

If time&money allowing you can't keep me from coming the next time again!

constantly underhugged, please halp

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2012, 22:15:58 »
One special detail: All electric used in the dealers den required a testing. Whose idea was that?

You can blame that on the UK Health and Safety Executive. Because the items are being used in a public area for business purposes, they have to be tested to their specifications which requires the full test rather than just a visual inspection. It's a pain, but unfortunately a legal requirement which we can't avoid. We do plan to have more people able to do the testing next year though.
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Offline SlyCat

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2012, 22:46:22 »
Much of this has been covered already but here's my feedback so far:

  • Didn't know about the cheaper bottled drinks at reception until a few days into the con. Great idea but as I didn't need to go to reception much, I wasn't aware until someone told me :P
  • Would be nice to have "drinks stations" for fursuiters in the corridors like I've seen at other cons.  Would have especially been appreciated considering the weather.
  • There really needed to be an area where you could pop your fursuit head off closer to the dance floor.  I'm old school in that I don't want to take my head off unless in a designated area and it was one heck of a trek back to the headless lounges.  Maybe the room used for conops could be a headless lounge and have con ops elsewhere?
  • BBQ queue was very long indeed.  Potentially if there's going to be another BBQ, there should be two points where to collect food perhaps.  It was a lot better than last year's but £15 still seemed a bit steep.  Perhaps £10-12 would be a better price point, especially considering burgers were £3 inside.
  • The art auction went on forever.  You guys need a way to reduce the number of items being sold like having more slots on the bid sheets and stop people making silly bid increments.  Also as the event was touted as a charity auction but a number of items auctioned had 0% to charity.  I think it'd make sense that if an item goes to auction, then it should have at minimum a 5% donation.

That's just the negative stuff and it's only minor stuff to be honest.  Otherwise I absolutely loved the convention.  The hotel, staff and con staff were all brilliant and the convention was really well put together.  I just hope we don't outgrow the hotel any time soon, it's perfect for socialising, etc :)

Offline Bezel

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2012, 22:52:32 »
CF2012 was a blast - so much went right - the location, the staff, the attendees, the atmosphere, the hotel staff (apart from you-know-what) that I can't list them all, so in the great British tradition, I'll just say thanks to all the staff, volunteers, attendees and hotel staff who made it so awesome, and move onto a couple of niggles - some of which have already been mentioned, and which, in fact, mostly revolve around one thing that had been hyped up - the food - and are therefore mainly out of the control of the CF staff.

The queues for events in the main stage area - yes, we're used to queueing in the UK, but the heat and humidity was way over the top. Working Security, I could always dive into the stage area for a breather and cool off, but I felt sorry for those stuck out in that long corridor. I don't know if placing a large fan is feasible due to H&S / space considerations - maybe the queue could be run the other way down the main hallway towards the entrance ?

Breakfast - great unless you're vegetarian. The Britannia, despite its faults, did have vegetarian sausages as a breakfast option - couldn't these be provided in future ?

Likewise the Indian buffet on Saturday - again, almost no vegetarian options. The menu mentioned "Stir-fried chilli-garlic prawns" - which either didn't appear at all, or were what had metamorposed into some kind of chicken curry with a few mini-prawns (i.e. not vegetarian). The hotel staff didn't even know what the dishes were, so it was a bit of a fiasco. The menu was limited for veggies, but you would at least expect what was on the menu to be available. The "Bombay Potato Sangallo" turned out to be unlike any other Sag Aloo I've ever encountered, more resembling boiled new potatoes than anything vaguely Indian.

The BBQ on the Friday - do I really need to mention the silly length of the queue ? (and the veggie sausages there seemed to be about 90% mashed potato)

Oh, and if someone orders an egg and cress sandwich, don't be surprised if they're a bit put out if they're given something with no cress in it because the hotel had apparently run out....

The aircon in the room was 75% non-operational. Mildly cooler air could be obtained by continually resetting the system (according to one of the hotel staff, it's an *old* system) and we eventually found we could get cooler air just by opening the window - which says volumes about the aircon system ;)

The nightclub and fursuit lounges being at opposite ends of the hotel.

But anyway, enough moaning, well done to the team, and roll on ConFuzzled 2013 :)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 22:54:58 by Bezel »

Offline SlyCat

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #49 on: May 30, 2012, 22:59:15 »
Breakfast - great unless you're vegetarian. The Britannia, despite its faults, did have vegetarian sausages as a breakfast option - couldn't these be provided in future ?
I saw someone order a vegetable sausage and get it served to them at their table during breakfast. I guess you had to ask but then you had to know you could ask!

Offline SlyCat

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2012, 23:17:18 »
Some more feedback! (bit more positive this time)

  • Loved the location of the cafe/bar area.  It really encouraged socialising as it was where people filtered through.  It did feel like the rotunda area was under utilised however.  Dunno if more drinks could be on offer there perhaps.
  • The way things seemed to be catered to the con as things went on.  Like for example the sale of ice cream bars and the ice cream vendor.  Was certainly a nice touch considering the weather at the time, just a shame they sold out!
  • The fursuit lounges were very well stocked with fans, hangers and water. I never once found the water barrels to be empty.  I would have to mention that yet again furs used the brilliant head trees to store their heads rather than just dry them.  You need 30 mins top on those things to dry most heads.  If only there was a way to indicate when you put a head on so you knew if you could swap it out.  Most furs are polite not to touch other people's fursuits so if someone leaves their head there for a day, it'll remain there.  Ultimately I guess all you can do is put up notices asking people not to be selfish when using the head trees and remember to remove their heads after 30 mins or so but people will hog them regardless.
  • Next year please extend the convention an extra day.  Barely anything happened on Friday anyway so you could have it much the same as it was this year with Thursday having opening ceremonies and registration then Friday have the dealer's room open through to Sunday and then closing stuff on Monday same as this year. I think the con's big enough to justify it now.

Offline Jaryic

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2012, 23:40:11 »
Because the items are being used in a public area for business purposes, they have to be tested to their specifications which requires the full test rather than just a visual inspection.
Hm, just out of curiosity.
How are "business purposes" defined? As by actual function or by "in a room that is used for business"?
My cellphone charger is normal not used to do business. :)
On the other hand does that mean that i.e. private owned stage equipment does not need that test because it is not used to generate money (in this particular case?)

just a curious fox
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Offline James The Dog

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Re: 2012 Feedback
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2012, 23:45:17 »
    • Loved the location of the cafe/bar area.  It really encouraged socialising as it was where people filtered through.  It did feel like the rotunda area was under utilised however.  Dunno if more drinks could be on offer there perhaps.

    There was a bar in the rotunda, but I only sawe it open once, briefly on Saturday, most of the time it was shuttered. Maybe it it was open more then people would have used it more![/list]

    Offline Noodles_Husky

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    Re: 2012 Feedback
    « Reply #53 on: May 30, 2012, 23:47:28 »
    This was my first con (like many) and was the greatest weekend ever. Just a few things I would change.
    • There needs to be a billboard in a more public place where people can put up posters advertising their room parties. I know there was a little cork board outside ConOps HQ, but it was a little out of sight from most attendees. Maybe have one opposite the pizarararazazaarazara bar
    • The breakfast buffet was well done, the dinner one was a bit lacking. There needs to be more things that I can eat.
    • NO FOSTERS ON TAP >:( (disregard this one, Noodles will have to cope with Carlsberg)
    • The set drinks menu was very well done and I liked the idea of the shot people. The price for Monster was a joke. £3.40 for a 250ml can of the stuff?! I could get a pint for the same price at my local!
    • The Rotundra bar was only opened for a bit on saturday evening. They should have kept it open all of the evenings. Save me walking further to get my pint :P
    Regardless, It was a cataclysmic blast! Me and Noodles love the con staff for making it all possible. Please claim your free drink anytime!
    « Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 23:51:02 by Noodles_Husky »

    Offline Ceil Fox

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    Re: 2012 Feedback
    « Reply #54 on: May 30, 2012, 23:47:58 »

    All in all I'm happy with the dances, but there was one thing that really ticked me off: You do not mess with the EQ settings while music is playing. PERIOD.

    During my set, someone behind the main audio desk thought it was funny to repeatedly crank the bass up to the point where the music faded into an apocalyptic, distorted bass. No, it was NOT funny. It left me confused as to what was going on, what I should do, constantly re-tweak my EQs (which normally is not neccessary) and left the audience annoyed since it killed the mood and reduced the audio to a noise that obviously was painful to some.

    Just don't do that.

    Hi BBF,
    I will see that the audio crew in charge doesn't do this in future, the only reason the volume was adjusted now and again (as in overall db volume) was to counteract the noise of the industrial cooling fan system in place, this generally was kept to "build ups" in the music so that the suiters / dancers didn't swelter in the heat, all 3 aircon units in the room were running full tilt as well but due to the high number of people in a small space and the uncharacteristic warm weather (for Britain ha ;) the temperature was still fairly high.

    I'm sorry to say I didn't witness this as I was unfortunately unwell during the later parts of your set so had to retire early so I apologise for this.
    Thanks for the feedback

    Another quick note on this, im not 100% sure who was sat by the sound desk - i was filming around the con. someone was controlling sound, fans and smoke.
    Due to the nature of how horn loaded bass cabinets couple to air it was creating a low frequency hot spot under the ledge where the DJ stand was so its also possible that the person operating would have heard a more accurate representation of what was being played than the DJ stand  which was out of the dispersion angle of the mid/high cabinets, its common practice in big venues (although this was not a big venue) for the DJ to just hear a monitor and the crew to do the rest.

    Its possible that every time the EQ was adjusted the person on desk noticed that the overall had gone flat again and added more bottom end as unless you are above a distance of roughly 2.5 metres away from the rig (in front and less than 44o) you don't hear everything mixed, all persons on sound / lighting crew were also there to have fun and we all played around from time to time especially when egged on by people that wanted to feel it, it is a venue staffed by volunteers, DJ'd by volunteers and attended free, although i appreciate it would be annoying i also would like to make the point that the venue isn't ministry of sound and between all DJs and the die hard technical crew everyone had a blast and that is what counts.

    From a technical point i plan to position the DJ stand somewhere were they can hear the main system next year after a huge phasing problem presented itself after setup causing impromptu alteration of layout.

    Confuzzled Dance A/V Manager, Acoustic Armageddon

    Offline SlyCat

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    Re: 2012 Feedback
    « Reply #55 on: May 30, 2012, 23:54:37 »
      • Loved the location of the cafe/bar area.  It really encouraged socialising as it was where people filtered through.  It did feel like the rotunda area was under utilised however.  Dunno if more drinks could be on offer there perhaps.

      There was a bar in the rotunda, but I only sawe it open once, briefly on Saturday, most of the time it was shuttered. Maybe it it was open more then people would have used it more![/list]

      Wow, I must have missed that!

      Offline Sieg

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      Re: 2012 Feedback
      « Reply #56 on: May 31, 2012, 00:09:00 »
      The con is improving alot! 3rd time going and its going to be a 4th when the Registration opens!

      The Hotel was amazing, the Staff were just as amazing too.
      The Con staff were very helpful and delightful to talk to!

      The only bad things at the con were minor, nothing that next time would happen, i.e Events running late, huge queues, and so on.

      the only MAJOR thing is the weather 8V you should make it less hot next year! pay your weather wizards more money this time!

      Offline Misty Crom

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      Re: 2012 Feedback
      « Reply #57 on: May 31, 2012, 00:35:49 »
      Okay, mostly gonna mention what others have, either in response to them, or adding to them, or to echo them.  Apologies for length and any rambling. I can tend to more or less just type as things  think sometimes.

      Agreed, and I’ll note I saw the comment on why it seemed so high a ratio this year. I’d echo the suggestion of possibly a minimal percentage, even if it’s just 5% (I recognise that some of the artists’ artwork is their living, so I understand why certainly low percentages may be necessary)  or maybe a minimum amount for something to qualify for the auction? The numbering idea I agree could be an idea too.

      Regarding bidding amounts, maybe set incriments kind of on-the-fly? For something that’s got maybe 15-20 on it, I can kind of understand the £1 bidding, but on things of over or even remotely around £100, it is a bit silly, just setting a minimum increment scale as and when should fix that. Also, maybe something on the chairs for people to hold up to bid for those who aren’t comfortable shouting? Maybe arrows facing down on sticks? (though just spit-balling at this point).

      Actually, one thought… would perhaps an intermission in the auction be a nice idea? (for both those attending, even if to just enjoy the shenanigans, but also for the two hosting it, you had mics, but still, your throats must’ve been sore after... I imagine a rest in the middle might’ve been nice).

      Also, I for one think mut’s idea for the Sunday evening collection option for non-auctioned items might be a good idea.

      On the smoke at the dances. Might one idea be to simply have the smoke machine in a position away from the beginning area of the floor? (maybe by the tables/decks on the left of the room?) that way, those concerned by it can stay out of it without having to turn it down for those who enjoy it.

      The Food.
      I did somewhat notice that; I ordered the sausage and mash on 2 days (didn’t fancy the Indian and not keen on Chinese). First it had onions and plenty of gravy and was amazing, but on Monday, there were no onions and hardly any gravy. Was still nice, but was slightly disappointed.

      Also, SlyCat, you could get free water at the bars and 98.7% of the people around would be happy to assist you with a straw if you’d need such (heck, most wouldn’t mind going and getting a glass for you. I know I wouldn’t have). Agree on the extra day thought too.

      And now otherwise stuff

      Could maybe better signage for things like the gaming area be made? They were easy enough to get to and I’ve no qualms with their location (though the fursuit kinekt in a dark room upstairs where there was no lift was maybe an oversight), but it was kind of easy to forget about them and for those who didn’t have the day before to explore, might have been awkward to find. (heck, I didn’t know where the hansom suite was until Tuesday – though that’s largely my own fault). But I do agree, the layout is fantastic. The entire venue was, and I agree fully with the great plaudits for the staff, they were really supportive. Noticed one of the girls at the piazza on I think Monday even had paws painted on her nails.

      The food was really very good. I had the Mexican on Thursday and whilst any hotter and it’d have been getting to too hot for me, it was gorgeous. I’ll admit, last year kind of put me off of the BBQ, so I cant comment there, but generally anything I put in my mouth was delicious.

      The event scheduling, I must say was better spread than it looked on the web page (which btw, didn’t seem to be linked on the main site. No idea if that was intentional or not, or if I was being blind not being able to find it without going to the posted link on UKFur) so well done indeed for that.

      The location was really nice too, out of the way enough to be fairly quiet, but easily accessible. And closer for me :P.   

      One thing that would be really, really handy if such a thing could be set up would be a few screens showing current or upcoming events and where they are – maybe include the cfzlive twitterfeed even on there?

      The Rotunda seemed quite underutilised… On the one hand, I can appreciate it for the sake of noise levels and those in rooms close to it, but at the same time, it was such a nice space, and the seating on the different floors etc… just struck me as being slightly wasted potential; though not sure what could be done there, and I guess just is up to people to make use of.

      Oh, one thing for breakfast… no idea if con-staff have any say or sway here, but any chance of porridge being available? (oh, and on the food note, I do apologise again for my intrusion into the staff conservatory on Monday evening, if it was specifically noticed anyplace, I missed it and I hadn’t wanted to go in there on Thursday ‘cause it was hot and the main restaurant area was empty anyways . I Just saw furries in there and non-furries in most of the rest of the restaurant, so yeah, sorry. :P)

      Pawpets show was epic. Funny, moved at a good pace, well voiced/acted and quite moving and touching. Was my first one and I still felt sad for the poor bunny.

      Pub Quiz was also pretty awesome. Was so close on a lot of the questions that had been garnered from the documentary about David Croft that was on a few days before the con (I watched it too. Suffice, I knew all the theme tunes and the last question, even down to that David Croft had created the others). Could’ve been a bit more theme based, but no biggie, just I would’ve more likely known more answers :P

      Fursuit Fiasco was epic fun. It nigh on killed my camera’s battery, but then that’s why I took the cable along, so I could charge it again :P I missed the balloon stomp, but I do appreciate the logistical issue of blowing up and tying that many balloons to that many fursuiters, so not a complaint really that (though I do wish youtube’d upload this blasted video of the great escape round. 3 failed attempts so far today)

      Was the fursuit parade a bit short maybe due to the heat, or was it just that there were so many suiters that it felt shorter? I video’d from the main doors and they were going to the rotunda before they’d all gone past me.

      Anyways, overall it was an absolutely awesome con in a great hotel with very friendly staff and so thank you very, very much to everyone, con-staff and fellow attendees alike for an awesome time. Already started saving to register for next year’s CF.

      Offline James The Dog

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      Re: 2012 Feedback
      « Reply #58 on: May 31, 2012, 00:51:05 »
      I want to comment on the pub quiz acutally, as my answer about The Vicar of Dibley (that it was an indie production, rather than made by the BBC itself) was technically correct, even if it wasn't the answer you were looking for. The same could be said about me answering that Hi-De-Hi started in 1981 (as that's when the series proper started- the pilot was in 1980) XD Not that I'm really bothered, I just like pointing these things out!

      Offline sayh

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      Re: 2012 Feedback
      « Reply #59 on: May 31, 2012, 04:30:51 »
      Not everyone has the constitution to stick through things until they have an opportunity to slip out unnoticed. I had to run in the middle of one event, getting out before I passed out >.<

      I agree. You need your head off, you need it off. I nearly had to take mine off during the photoshoot, but managed to get to headless, since it was so close...