Author Topic: 2013 Events Submissions!  (Read 6779 times)

Offline Delph

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2013 Events Submissions!
« on: October 15, 2012, 20:36:39 »
Hi Everyone!

Confuzzled is pleased to announce that we're now ready for attendees to send in ideas for events they'd like to run at the convention. Events submissions will be open from now until late February 2013, so make sure you submit your ideas in time otherwise we won't be able to find somewhere for the event, and it won't be included in the conbook.

This year, we're opening up the internal system we use for everyone to submit and follow progress of events they're proposing. Hopefully this will let us avoid some of the communication issues from previous years.

If you've got any questions, or want help fleshing out a part-formed idea, you're still more than welcome to post here on the forums, or to email the events team at, and we'll get back to you.

Once you've got an idea that you'd be happy to organise then please head on to the events submission interface:

Please provide at minimum a valid email address as we will use that to get back in touch with you with any questions about your event.

Thanks, and thanks for helping out.
