ConFuzzled Forums > Feedback

A mirror for the fursuiters

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Some cheap inexpensive A3 size mirrors would have been a useful addition to the fursuit lounges. I found myself having to return to my room to check that the fur around the base of my head was sitting neatly on my shoulders and that the ribbon of my badge was the Confuzzled side showing.

Someone suggested mirrors in the fursuit lounge during the feedback session on Monday (see what you missed !  ;) )

Although mirrors (of the full length type) are on the wish-list, there was just no money in the budget this year (after building all the other new spiffy stuff like the super turbo fursuit dryomatic 4000 ;))

The staff have (apparently) some cunning and ingenious plans for mirrors for next year...

If I'd thought about it I could have brought my own, an A3 size acrylic safety mirror on eBay from £4.65 delivered.

As per the feedback session the mirrors were originally intended to be part of the fursuit department but due to budget issues these could not be purchased this year. We will certainly try to have them for next year to make the lounge better for all.

As per the feedback from others already, indeed the official answer was simply a budget issue.  Whilst they are cheap, mirrors are not essential, and we have to prioritise our cash flow.  We continue to keep the mirrors on our wish list, as well as more fans (every year, MORE FANS!!! mwhahaha) but given the bigger venue and 3x size fursuit lounge for next year, be mindful that budgets will be spent primarily on new dryers again, and if there is left overs, mirrors, coat rails etc.. will also be up there. ^.^


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