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A mirror for the fursuiters
Bob Drake:
Yes it was a bit funny...every time I got into the suit I had to go into the nearby men's room - into which I barely fit when wearing the well-padded fursuit - to use the mirror to see if everything was on properly, and to put on/take off my eye makeup (needed for the fursuit because the head uses my own eyes.) Otherwise the bigger fursuit lounge this year was better than the two small ones last year. Of course that's all going to be different in the new hotel, looking forward to it.
I'd happily contribute to a mirror fund.
Couldn't agree with this more, Full body mirrors would be great, but there is the danger of a suiter with a big body and not much peripheral vision knocking it over (and no one likes shredded fursuit)
We certainly have plans in the background, currently spinning away, as to how to make mirrors both a reality, and entirely safe/awesome!
Watch this space, and hopefully things will be super awesome next year for checking how you look before checking out of the lounge :D
A mirror & a clock and you'll have the perfect fursuit lounge. Congrats to the fursuit team for this year !
Believe me folks. Just because it hasn't happened yet does not mean your suggestions haven't been taken on board.
A mirror has been on the "Desirable but not essential" list for a while.
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