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Motorfurs Meet

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--- Quote from: Dief on May 11, 2014, 10:14:01 ---You're selling it? Why?!

--- End quote ---

Meh, just bored of it tbh, it's noisy and impractical and gives me a headache if i drive it for more than an hour at a time :)  Also i realised i can pay my mortgage off if i sell it.  Might get another one next year when i get the itch for something quick again :)  The 3.5L V6 ones should be a bit cheaper by then too...

Oh, well that totally makes sense. Get that mortgage paid off asap man.

Well, haven't got rid of it yet, so looks like i'll probably be bringing it along after all :)

^^^ update at top of page ^^^

Great news thanks for that! :D Can't wait :)


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