Author Topic: Event planning: Games - just something to consider.  (Read 6304 times)

Offline Raven Luni

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Event planning: Games - just something to consider.
« on: May 29, 2014, 17:05:11 »


I wanted to say this without coming across negatively (as I had such a good time) so hopefully there will be a couple of constructive points here.

1. Some descriptions of what things are would really have been a great help in the timetable.  If I was to pick one example, I would say Artemis.  I had never heard of that before and when someone told me what it was I was like OH WOW I MUST PLAY THIS!

2. The person organising such events really needs to take full control to ensure that the clueless newbies (expecially the socially awkward ones) know whats going on and feel included in the experience.  To contrast the above-mentioned with another game I played for the first time (Werewolf), the latter was really well done.  The host really made everything go smoothly, but with Artemis, I will admit to my shame that I got frustrated and walked off, simply because we were left standing in the corridor to organise ourselves into groups, and after the first bunch, everyone else just seemed to form in their various cliques - not the best situation for a socially awkward soul at their first con :P

Again, I didn't want that to sound negative.  I have no grudges or ill feelings towards anyone - I've never had such a good time in my life.  Please just look at this as a comparison between something that went well from the point of view of a terrified newbie, and something that didnt go quite as well.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 17:07:53 by Raven Luni »
Delusions of grandeur?  I'm better than that!

Offline lamar

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Re: Event planning: Games - just something to consider.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2014, 17:17:12 »
I suspect part of the problem there is it's best explained by allowing people to watch a group play, but the room was too small to allow spectators, and I don't think they had enough people to run the game and also marshal the queue outside.