ConFuzzled Forums > Room & Transport Sharing

Selling sponsor residential + single room 21st - 26


Hi my fellow furs,

The name is Jordy, 25 years of age and living in the beautifull country of the Netherlands.
For years i have wanted to go to Eurofurence and Confuzzled. This year i was planning to go to both events, and thus registered as soon as the Cfz registration opened.

Unfortunatly i am forced to sell my registration and single room because of work related reasons. I can only go to EF or CFz and since my boyfriend is probably going to EF i rather go there. Since cancellation is not possible i am now looking for someone that is willing to take this reservation off my hands. 

The original price was £462.00, i am offering a full transfer for 400.00

21-22 extra day (single room)
22-26 (single room)
Sponsor residential

With kind regards, a silly squeaky kangaroo ^,..,^

And it seems another fur wil be taking my place @CFz2015! I'm closing up shop ^,..,^


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