Author Topic: Sponsor Tier Goodies  (Read 9538 times)

Offline Rallicat

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Sponsor Tier Goodies
« on: January 12, 2015, 20:26:21 »

Every year ConFuzzled tries to do something new and exciting in regards to the gifts we give to our Sponsors in way of thank you for their support. In 2014 we implemented a new tier system for sponsor goodies and after its success we have decided, as some of you may have noticed, to continue with this idea. The more of our guests who elect to sponsor ConFuzzled the more we as the convention organisers can do to make the convention greater and more exciting than before.

As a thank you for your additional support we have traditionally given you an extra gift as Sponsors and this year already we have reached 258 sponsors which unlocks our Tier 1 gift, an A3 print of the artwork by Garnet that adorns our website this year.  It also leaves us very close to our Tier 2 threshold of 300!

Now I am here to tell you about this year’s Tier 2 gift! If we hit 300 sponsors this year ConFuzzled is happy to announce that our second tier sponsor gift is to be a die-cast enamel pin-badge. It’ll be perfect to go on the lapel of a coat, a bag, your hat! Either way it is going to be something special. The artwork for this badge is being designed by one of our Guests of Honour as this article goes to print and it will be a one of a kind, exclusive item that will not be available outside of ConFuzzled. As soon as I have an image of it to share I’ll let you have at it!

I’d also like to just take a moment to talk about this years drinking vessel. We take extra care every year to fit them to the theme, be it in shape, size or just artwork! This year we have managed both. What trip down the rabbit hole would be complete without a cup of tea and this year ConFuzzled is proud to unveil our sponsor drinking vessel is not only a tea-cup but one featuring our very own Brok, designed by the American artist Spider da Squirrel. In fact we like them so much that if we cross our Tier 2 threshold we’ll add a second tea cup to the conpack which will mean every sponsor gets a complete set of 2 glasses.

As for Tier 3, well you’ll have to wait to hear about that! But it is going to blow your socks right into your tea! We’ll have an announcement soon of what we will be giving to our Sponsors this year if we hit the magic number of 400 Sponsors. It’ll be memorable, unique and the artwork currently being designed is brilliant. So until I am ready to reveal what that artwork is I’ll leave you all with an image of the second tea-cup that will be added to the Sponsor Packs if we hit the Tier 2 threshold of 300!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 19:33:02 by Rallicat »

Offline Muddy The Fox

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Re: Sponsor Tier Goodies
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2015, 19:06:10 »
All now unlocked yay!!!
2014 #295
2015 #323
2016 #597