ConFuzzled Forums > Introduce Yourself

hi from bastet



I'm bastet.
I hail from Scotland.
This will be my first time at confuzzled!

I'm extremely excited and scared as I won't know anyone when I'm there!
Befriending would be pawsome!

I'm an amateur photographer and will also be doing some work at the con.
I'm going to bring my camera and I hope some people will happily let me try get my portrait photography down!

I'm staying with a family friend and working so I'm not gonna be a night owl but I'd love to meet up with as many people as possible! Even if its just for a hugs!

Thanking you!

Hi Bastet, welcome to the forum ^^

If it helps ya, i'm feeling the exact same in regards to going as it's my first time too ^^ hope to meet you at the event and become friends ^^


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