ConFuzzled Forums > Room & Transport Sharing

Roomshare for 2016


Have finally got around to registering for Confuzzled 2016 now that JFTW is over and done with, but need to set up roomsharing arrangements with someone.

So far, have booked for standard con dates, standard twin, but if you want an executive suite, willing to upgrade if necessary.

Non-smoker, occasional fursuiter, been known to drink sometimes.
No objections to room parties if you want to arrange one.

Have been to Confuzzled a few times before, just finished JFTW con in Bristol, sometimes found at London meets

I can often be found on UKFur, where in their madness, have asked me to moderate a section - oh well, no accounting for taste, I suppose   ;)

hi im looking for a room share my self was at JFTW was the deputy head of security, also working security at CFZ this year. which means some time coming back to the room at late hours.
do smoke  ( I should give up I know)   don't really drink don't get much chance to tbh at cons with working them drop me a message if you would like to speak on Skype regarding room share

Sorry for delayed reply, haven't looked at this thread since Monday.

Have already accepted another roomshare request from an ex-Brighton fur, so sadly no longer available for roomsharing.


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