Hi Zion,
as James has correctly pointed out, the suites are not going to be available as a regular room option. With there being only 4 of these rooms, we had to try and implement a system that gave everyone a fair opportunity to use them. Also given the space, we wanted to ensure that these rooms were utilised to the max.
Therefore, the decision this year, and since this is our first year at the Barcelo, it is entirely experimental, is to sell them as party suites. The process of how these rooms will be sold has not yet been finalised with the hotel. I have an up and coming meeting with them in October, at which time a decision will be made and soon after, we hope to open the rooms up for sale.
As per our website, the rooms will be available only as a per nightly basis. They will be available as one booking per person i.e. the same person cannot book the suite more than once for the duration of the convention. A fee, yet to be agreed, will be tagged onto this booking process and the room availability will be on a regular hotel time window i.e. you can take ownership of the room from 3pm, and will have to vacate it the following morning by 11am. However, this is still very much in the planning stage so please do not take it as a hard and fast rule what I have just said will be exactly how it will work, it is liable to change at this time.
Therefore, if you wish to book to attend ConFuzzled this year, you can only select from the guest doubles, twins, and deluxe doubles in the booking process.
Once the party suites are ready to be opened up for sale, an announcement will be made on the website, in all our various feeds, and on the forums a week before to ensure everyone is aware and gets an opportunity to buy one.
Many thanks,