Author Topic: The ConFuzzled 2016: Carnival of the night Photos are ready!  (Read 10932 times)

Offline Malamutt / Tiger Tom

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    • Tiger Tom @ Furaffinity
The ConFuzzled 2016: Carnival of the night Photos are ready!

This year’s photoshoot titled ‘Confetti’ was born from the thinking about the theme ‘Midnight carnival’ and what symbolised it. Confetti just jumped out at EZ Wolf as the obvious choice as the thing that makes a party, a party! How could we not say no to confetti?? And they let us loose with 15Kg of the stuff!!

This year the photoshoot team, Malamutt and EZ Wolf had the help of some awesome volunteers who stepped in and and really help make the confetti experience so much more awesome! A huge thanks goes out to Branston Horse, SilverWolfFox, Axle Fox, Jake ‘Fur-YetUnnammed’, Ruffwood Azemus and Dannywuff. Thank you so very much!

Just a couple notes about the photos.
During the photoshoot we used a professional confetti blower, which was insanely loud when operated next to it. This meant that we all had to wear ear protection. While fine for suiters, hearing the blower all day would really hurt our ears. During the shoot we suffered some equipment failures and one catastrophic failure of a flash unit. This explains why the photos from Saturday afternoon right after the parade don’t have a blue background. Some of you more keen eyed fuzz balls might also notice subtle differences in light, This was due to our lights overheating and not firing. We could not hear the alarm from the flash unit due to how loud the confetti blower was. Only when an accidental picture was taken when the blower was not running did we discover the problem. I have done my best in post to correct this as much as possible.
Why do some have more pictures than others? Well for this shoot I took much more photos than normal due to the randomness of confetti. By taking more pictures there was a greater chance that at least few would not be rejected. Another reason is that some can make so many poses in such a short space of time, that there will be more pictures. Also it can be just timing, when it’s quiet and you are the only one there, we have more time and can really have some fun with pictures. I like to try and make everything fair and get everyone in as much as possible in the time available.

See them in our gallery here –>

« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 16:55:06 by Malamutt / Tiger Tom »