Author Topic: Alexfox Arts! Pre-orders and prices from £1!  (Read 6563 times)

Offline Alexfox

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Alexfox Arts! Pre-orders and prices from £1!
« on: June 06, 2008, 00:16:09 »
Right I was a little off posting something like this but since someone else has posted details too I may as well post a few details of items that I will be offering at the convention. This is the first time I will be doing anything like this too.

Mostly I will be dealing in conbadges, and colour and sketch commissions for the duration of the convention. I will also have at least 7 to 8 items in the artshow.

For examples of my art check out my page at fur affinity, and nearly everything there currently will be at confuzzled!

I will also be taking pre-orders too on many items! Either PM on the website or Email me at!

I may even have pre-ordered items ready for collection on the Friday the 19th before the den is opened!*

Prices and details are as follows!


I will be offering three types at the convention.

The extra value conbadge! A simple pencil and ink line badge of your character, and character name, presented on a 87x139mm card. Simple colour added for 50p extra! else B&W only.

These will not be laminated, nor will I be taking pre-orders on these! They are special to confuzzled!

special offer!

A bit more upmarket. A badge with a more detail on your character, done in ink with a detailed pencil shading, and possibly a detailed background at request.

Done on 80X105mm Bristol board, and laminated.

I will take pre-orders on this item.

Special offer!Sketch commissions.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 00:22:25 by Alexfox »