Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Announcements (CF2008-CF2011)
Registration News + Updates!
First of all, wow.. thankyou. We've only got 80 places left!
We now have our very own
Frapprmap that all attendees can use and the Art Contest page has been updated.
Matt the Lion:
If anyone has problems with the Frappr map, then please let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. I am currently aware that there is an issue with the list of members for the map, and I have submitted a support request to Frappr about that and hope to have it resolved soon.
Matt the Lion:
Well, they seem to have fixed our list of members, but they seem to have accidentally removed Cerebus and Devilwuff in the process >.< You may have to re-add yourselves I'm afraid.
am back on it now hehe
I've got a frappr account but it doesn't seem to be linking the map to the "MyMaps" bit of same...Could be because there isn't a "custom name" set for the map yet or something?
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