ConFuzzled Forums > Introduce Yourself

It's about time...

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Frost T. Wolf:
... I show my tail here :)

A big hello to everyone here! *hugs all around* Some of you might know me from the UKFur forums... if you don't then here goes ^^.

My name is Frost Tylar Wolf, a Brown Wolf who hails from the very city where ConFuzzled is being hosted ;D. I came across the fandom only recently (September 2006) and fell in love with the concept of fursuiting after stumbling across Timduru's archives and I'm hooked!

I have my first fursuit on order from MixedCandy which is due in July now as LV has experienced delays. Good friends with a number of you on here, Graafen, Cerb and Shema.... and that big mountainous bundle of fur known as Avalanche  ;)

Looking forward to meeting some new people on here, will be seeing you all for ConFuzzled and already looking very much forward to it.

The Dark Knight:
Yaaaay! Welcome aboard, Frost! *huuuuugs!* :D

Heh, I'm not on the UKFur forums anyway but hi! *waves*

yay he on the fourm! "hugs and nuzzled"



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