ConFuzzled Forums > Introduce Yourself

It's about time...

<< < (2/2)

eeee! *takle-hug*  :D

Wolfie Fox:
Hehehe hey Frost T. Wolf ^.^


--- Quote from: Frost T. Wolf on May 22, 2007, 12:11:57 ---I have my first fursuit on order from MixedCandy which is due in July now as LV has experienced delays. Good friends with a number of you on here, Graafen, Cerb and Shema.... and that big mountainous bundle of fur known as Avalanche  ;)
--- End quote ---

Oooo, another Mixed Candy subscriber! I have one scheduled for next year from them! Eeeeee!

Frost T the snow dog *pokes in eye* :p heya <3


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