Author Topic: Attendee Events - How You Can Help!  (Read 6539 times)


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Attendee Events - How You Can Help!
« on: December 12, 2008, 00:40:14 »
At ConFuzzled, we'd love you to have a great time, heck, it's why we put all the effort in!

Today, we've announced five new events but we were wondering if have you had a good look at our event timetable and spotted something we've missed?

Do you fancy running a panel, workshop, round table, or similar event at ConFuzzled 2009, perhaps with a few friends?

If you contact our events staff (events {at} with your ideas or suggestions or if you're feeling brave and want to run an event directly, we'll do our best to sort you out with a slot in our timetable as well as providing you with full support, including materials on the day and we'll ensure your event appears in the convention book.

The only thing we ask is that you're committed as we are. :)

So no matter what the idea, even if you think it's silly, hit us up with an email!