Forum Archive CF2008-2011 (Read Only) > Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion

Favour Films

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Wolfie Fox:
I've not seen it yet

I like too many films to choose a favourite :)

Wolfie Fox:
Would you like me to list all mine?
I do have a big list but was too lazy to originally post

My favourites:

1. Evil Dead 2 - Bruce Campbell (Say no more!), superb humour and OTP gore!!!
2. TRON - Brilliant early computer graphics and the, still amazing today, light-cycle race!
3. Brother Bear - Excellent Music, and the only film I ever cried at in the cinema. Surpasses TLK in my view.
4. Big Trouble in Little China - John Carpenter FTW!!
5. Hallowe'en 1&2 - Watch 'em both back to back for a brilliant slasher fest!

2001: A Space Odyssey
Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange
Donnie Darko
Pirates of the Caribbean
Ice Age (I and II)
Blazing Saddles
The Producers
Animal Farm (The 50s version)
Babe (talking collies!)


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