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Messages - Equium

Pages: [1]
Events / Furry Film Festival?
« on: December 12, 2011, 17:37:44 »
I had an idea which may be a non-starter but I'll pitch it anyway.

I'm a filmmaker, and I know other furs are and are interested in making films. With the theme as Hollywood, why don't we hold a mini film-festival? ie, we give the AVERAGE FUR (yup, him) a month before the con to make a one/two/three minute film about anything they want (or to a specific theme) and get an audience and a judging panel in? Show off the creativity that the fandom has in making and editing films, be it with a crew, cast, and studio, or with a camcorder in their back garden. Then, perhaps even keep a screen up somewhere that plays them on loop, or some idea based on that. How does that sound? Any rubber on those tyres?

Introduce Yourself / Apparently
« on: December 08, 2011, 21:00:51 »
I registered in 2009.

I'm keen to know why I don't remember this. Why, for the past 29 months have I been sitting here going "Ah, I don't have an account." Peculiar, the foxy brain, isn't it? Anyway, hello one and all, some of you may know me from various sections of the Internet and I will most certainly be at CF'12, for the fourth ConFuzzled in a row. Sponsoring, this time, too. Hot fuzz. Looking forward to seeing you down there! (Though there's probably a good chance I won't get to see everybody I want to).

And located nearby in Birmingham for 12 months of the year, I'm delighted the 2nd biggest European con is half an hour from my door. ^.^ Prepare cookies and malibu for my arrival and I shall see you all on the forums and here and hereabouts in good time. ^.^

Introduce Yourself / *waves*
« on: July 06, 2009, 15:37:16 »

Some of you may know me from the pixels of UKF. If you don't, my name's Equium auf der Zorazs and I'm a healthy, bouncy blue-nosed fox from Birmingham. ^^  I was at CF'09 and had an absolute blast, so I'm looking forward to this year even more.

Hope to see you all around
~EQ ^^

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