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Messages - Tatsu

Pages: [1]
Events / Re: Space (Exercise) Balls!
« on: September 24, 2013, 21:56:01 »
That would be cool! I just hope health and safety would okay this xp

Events / Space (Exercise) Balls!
« on: September 24, 2013, 05:24:30 »
Pretty sure this wouldn't be all too well taken by health and safety but a concept that made me chuckle none the less.

An event idea sheerly for the slow mo replays that are bound to make it onto Fursuit TV.

Its simple. An assault course, teams of 3 or 4, one team at a time running the themed course and collecting items as they go.

And lots of exercise balls being hurled at the innocent Fursuiters.

Rules: get more points than the other teams. Points are earned for number of hits and/or dodges, items retrieved and bonus points for best, second and third best time completed.

Rule of common sense: Who ever throws the balls (Con staff, opposing teams etc.) don't toss your balls so hard you end up whacking someone's ears off, come on man, keep this nice clean fun.

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