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Messages - Alexfox

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2008 Discussion / Re: Charity art auction preview
« on: June 16, 2008, 18:48:48 »

Like Twll said, think of the badgers and bid on it please!

2008 Discussion / Re: Attention PS3 owners - I need your help!
« on: June 15, 2008, 01:16:30 »
Well, I can't help you, as the console under my telly is a 360. Sorry!

Same here I've only got a 360 and a shared Wii.

2008 Discussion / [2008] Charity art auction preview
« on: June 12, 2008, 18:47:34 »

I will post a picture of the finshed picture when it's finally done.

Right I was a little off posting something like this but since someone else has posted details too I may as well post a few details of items that I will be offering at the convention. This is the first time I will be doing anything like this too.

Mostly I will be dealing in conbadges, and colour and sketch commissions for the duration of the convention. I will also have at least 7 to 8 items in the artshow.

For examples of my art check out my page at fur affinity, and nearly everything there currently will be at confuzzled!

I will also be taking pre-orders too on many items! Either PM on the website or Email me at!

I may even have pre-ordered items ready for collection on the Friday the 19th before the den is opened!*

Prices and details are as follows!


I will be offering three types at the convention.

The extra value conbadge! A simple pencil and ink line badge of your character, and character name, presented on a 87x139mm card. Simple colour added for 50p extra! else B&W only.

These will not be laminated, nor will I be taking pre-orders on these! They are special to confuzzled!

special offer!

A bit more upmarket. A badge with a more detail on your character, done in ink with a detailed pencil shading, and possibly a detailed background at request.

Done on 80X105mm Bristol board, and laminated.

I will take pre-orders on this item.

Special offer!Sketch commissions.

Hey everyone, this is just to repost what was sent out in an email to all attendees.  :)


Hi Everyone!

With only two weeks to go we wanted to let you know that we have a very fine selection of items, including some exclusive one of a kind items, and some very unique ones up for sale for our charity auction for the badger trust.

The reason we're letting you know this is because we also wanted to hear from you if you have any items you'd like to auction off for charity.

If you do, please let us know at as soon as you can!

We're still after talented people to do any act at the masquerade, be it a comedy act, musical act, puppet act or simply just showing off your fursuit.
If you're interested, the deadline has been extended until the 11th June, just email back to this address if you are!

And Finally,
Don't forget to check your email in a week for the final ConFuzzled email!


CF Team.

I guess I just got confused over the difference between the art show and the dealers den. Will I receive any profit from the art show? I agree with an earlier post about that its confusing, and it doesn't help that it was copypasta'd >_>

If people put bids on your items and you get sales, then you will profit (well after any expenses have been taken into account, frames and materials mostly:) ).


I'll be bringing a laminator (for the same reasons) too if you want to share just ask as I am sure that I am not going to be using it every ten seconds. If you want to save on weight and carry just ask.

Its cause officially there wasnt a reply system, you sign up and you got your place! This was cause not enough people were applying there were plenty of spaces, but recently we whiped the staff of the dealers den and art show into shape and now they started sending replies out.

So no worrying

Well I re-applied just in case this morning (I needed to send a update anyway about needing a plug socket for a laminator).

Well, I replied to the question about wether I'd be interested in a place. I haven't heard anything back yet. I wasn't self employed when I first signed up for Confuzzled, but if a dealers table is available to me, it adds a whole extra side to things. :3
Plus, it becomes a business expense!

So, hoping their late offer comes through!

Allegedly you've got a place if you've sent a Email, there isn't a confirm Email that's sent out (Which IMHO isn't very helpful). There should be more info soon, apparently.

Well, I sent an email to dealersden{at} and got back a reply within half an hour. Being the first year, things are bound to be a bit disorganised and need a chasing up.
Weight off my mind at least. And if I made it in, I'm sure better organised folks did.

That's funny I sent a mail to that address and never got a reply back, and I applied before the new deadline.

Well, I replied to the question about wether I'd be interested in a place. I haven't heard anything back yet. I wasn't self employed when I first signed up for Confuzzled, but if a dealers table is available to me, it adds a whole extra side to things. :3
Plus, it becomes a business expense!

So, hoping their late offer comes through!

Allegedly you've got a place if you've sent a Email, there isn't a confirm Email that's sent out (Which IMHO isn't very helpful). There should be more info soon, apparently.

Would be nice to know who else is going, its kind of feeling a bit lonely here.

Also with only 30 days left now untill the con if anyone needs anything for the den now would be the time to ask for it, or give a shout in advance to say that your trading.

I will be there doing taking art and conbadge commissions and I will take pre-orders in advance, but you will have to PM me for details and pricing.

2008 Discussion / Art show/dealers den, who else will be there
« on: May 16, 2008, 16:04:03 »
I've got a few items for the Artshow/auction now, and I am still considering doing the dealers den (either doing con badges / sketches or commissions).

Just asking about who else will be in the artshow or dealing at the convention? It's feeling a little lonely here, is anyone else going to be doing anything for either of these?


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