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Messages - foxximar

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey there all! :) its foxximar! ^^
« on: November 04, 2012, 13:00:47 »
Hello Foxximar nice to meet you!  ;D

It must be nervous to attend your first convention. I have yet to even meet anyone of this fandom in person so I can't even imagine how exciting it must be.
If you have any account on any website were we can see your creative works then please share

Ah ha! Nice to see you here, we have a large Dutch contingent already booked in.

Thank you two for the amazing welcome committee, *smiles*

I cannot wait to go to confuzzled! :)

many cheers,

Room & Transport Sharing / Looking for a room mate! :) - Solved, -
« on: November 03, 2012, 16:45:57 »
information has been deleted:

Roomate found! <3

many love,

Introduce Yourself / Hey there all! :) its foxximar! ^^
« on: November 03, 2012, 16:17:11 »
Hey there, im foxximar

I'm a 19 year old guy, from holland! ^^

Have been a furry for about 9 years now or longer! and have been loving the community around me so much!
thats why im really looking forward to attend to confuzzled next year! ^-^ i cannot wait, its gonna be awesome!!! ^^

My fursona is an orange fox, with a great smile, he's a wonderful and friendly person always in to help, stand ready, and put smiles on whereever he goes!

I love to make music, Film small projects, Short films and such.. I draw alot furry art, And alot other creative things,

Im a straight fox, always looking for that amazing person everyone wants ^^" guess some day! ^^

But as for that, my introduction, if you ever have any questions just ask, im really friendly ^-^

Many cheers, love, hugs, cuddles, and such!


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