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Messages - GallenWolf

Pages: [1]
Events / Re: Photography Workshop?
« on: April 25, 2012, 21:47:45 »
Hey! Bring your camera along and join the fun :) According to the events schedule, it'll be on Sunday from 2-4pm, see you then!

Events / Re: Events Ideas
« on: March 20, 2012, 21:28:05 »
@Res: Thanks! Looking forward to receiving your email :)

Events / Re: Events Ideas
« on: March 19, 2012, 20:14:18 »
Ping! I sent in an email to about a proposed event about month ago, I'm wondering if that email got through? I just forwarded it across again.


Events / Re: Photography Workshop?
« on: February 13, 2012, 23:54:52 »
You could always make it a bit con specific with suggestions for good setting, posing and how to get better lighting effects. That's a common theme across people not used to taking pictures in a con setting with fast moving subjects and low levels of lighting.

Those are great suggestions, though sadly, not my strong point - I am not really good at posing people, more of a capture the moment kinda photog :) Indoor lighting wise, I use Neil Van Niekerk style wedding photography techniques - which still requires the basics of understanding combining flash and ambient exposure :-/ His book is great for those interested in understanding flash photography in general.

@Bezel: Pew pew? Have you been playing eve-online? :D

Events / Re: Photography Workshop?
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:20:38 »
Hey all! Thanks for the support!

Two points I'd like to add.

First, it seems like a 2-3 hour session may occupy too much time in the convention, but a condensed version fitted down to a one hour slot that would give the points on what to look out for vs me doing demos is no a problem.

Secondly, I'm not trying to teach photography, that's not possible in the span of 2-3 hours. What I wish to speak about, is concepts or techniques fellow photographers may have missed out, so that we all can look into them during/after the con :)



Events / Photography Workshop?
« on: February 06, 2012, 00:55:19 »
Hey furs and all,
I'm wondering if there are any people interested in a two/three session photography related workshop? I've been asked if I could teach photography, but I've always declined as I truly believe art needs to be developed on one's own through the study of those that inspire oneself.

However, the technical aspects of photography are generally more clear cut, and I'd like to explain my photography pipeline in the hopes that
a) curious photographers can figure out what/how I've been shooting with and
b) hope to learn more with feedback from other experienced photographers attending CF.

I would love to host this, and would like to know if there is a room with a projector available. Things I would like to cover include

- Photography Pipeline: From storage to prints
- Why screen calibration is important
- Exposure, Metering and White Balance
- Why I find flash in daylight critical
- Lens choices and Composition - my personal shooting style.
- Focusing your lens
- Raw conversion/Photo editing
- Books and resources
- Q&A

Do not intend to cover
- RAW vs Jpeg
- Canon vs Nikon
- Potatoe Vs Potahto

This is what I can offer for the con :) Cheers!


Pages: [1]