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Messages - Feera Fox

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dear souls,

i don't like to reply to me myself, but i felt i had to ask these questions it is as below:

1..where does the victorian dress theme stretch to, fursuit dress? human dress? or both?
2..victorians were smaller that modern folks, so how does one get authectic stuff in a 48" chest?

can anyfur answer these questions please, as the answer 1 does not seem to be on the website.

also plus i theorise that if you did a new theme each year by 2025, i'm going to have one
dickins of a costume wardrobe covering many era's Gr-eight.  :).

your hopefully
feera fox

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: Furry Artwork!
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:38:30 »
my comment on furry artwork is this:

as long as the artwork has the desired artistic effect, and harms no one this is great
in this case anything goes, within ones own artistic code. i can't comment further as
i've seen so much furry art, that to go and comment further on this would have no point.

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: Show us your conbadges
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:31:32 »
oh, boy i'd love to once Lynx the wonderful artist finishes it, both the artists this year
were wonderful, but i only could pick one :( , such a shame as both were just as good
as one another.

Announcements (CF2008-CF2011) / Re: BBF's Trailer
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:34:29 »
a big thanks to BBF for being considerate enough to not just use
youtube, as this fur likes to save the images to watch at home, as this
fox has no internet connection at home, again i thank you

SerFox Wrote: "Why not go for a big neck ruffle? You could make one. Some ruffles for your wrists, and a hat!"

what  is a ruffle? it sounds like something to do with dogs, or that neck thing  to do with
shakespear, it's the top hat or clockwork orange style hat, i'm having a dickings finding,
as according to a stage worker i spoke to told me that most victorians heads were
smaller than modern heads, and the hat's meant to go on fox head how? at least i'm
getting a waist coat made for feera, well i'm just too portly to find them in charity shops.  :)

it's always great to hear the good ideas, thank you  8)

dear souls,

victorian, yes but where can one get the clothes for putting over the fursuit?, i've been
looking but they are very hard to find no luck yet, for someone my size, as i'm a rather
portly fox i may get to the stage where i have to spend a fortune to get stuff made.

i should be able to get a cane, any suggestions?, please put the reply here so that whatever is said
helps other furs not just old me, the trouble in being rather portly is that it's hard to find clothes
my idea was waist coat and or jacket, top hat and cane. do you have any suggestions? even a
pattern would be rather useful.

yours most sincerly
feera fox

side effects of leaving Confuzzled 2008 may include

wishing you could hug everybody at once, but your arms are not wide enough
looking at fursuit patterns,
waiting for Confuzzled 2009, oh yes
looking for a red squirrel or other fursuits

if symptoms persist conect to your nearest registration form for next year.  :)

Questions and Answers / Re: Photos, how can i get them
« on: July 02, 2008, 12:56:57 »
Dear Tiger Tom,

Ah, you poor tiger you sound like you've been rushed off your paws, the pics are very good
better than i could ever do, then again i'm not a pro-photographer, i'm just a fun loving fox.
i'm going to blow them up to A4 and hang the pics of feera on my wall. thank you very much
for a job well done.

yours with huggles
feera fox

Questions and Answers / Photos, how can i get them
« on: June 30, 2008, 12:21:25 »
dear confuzzled team,

i wish to find out where i can get hi-res photos of the following, tungro said i
should contact you about this issue

1...the pictures i had done at the fursuit photoshoot
2...the suiter pictures
3...the farewell photos

and any other photo, if i could get them on a cd, as i'm not internet savvy
i'd be willing to pay for the disk or what ever. please can you help as
i have no internet at home.

yours hopefully
feera fox 

2008 Discussion / Re: Speechless
« on: June 25, 2008, 13:04:49 »
Well speechless, well but one should never be type-less, otherwise one could not let the brave organisers
know how, mega great it was.

wow, i echo the thoughts of praise, excellent, how can i say in 157 languages, how much i enjoyed
it and that i've never had so much fun in my entire life WOW!!!!

2008 Discussion / Re: Any Dealers?
« on: May 19, 2008, 14:58:25 »

2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiting at ConFuzzled
« on: May 19, 2008, 14:49:44 »
i've finished the bag to complement, feera well i had a lot of bugendy fur left
after fursuit was taken out for me, my awenic fursuit that i'll be bringing is my
own design, i created him basic but nice, i can say one thing about awenic is
"as seen on the news", i've not seen the report myself but it's good. i'm not
showing him on the list as i want him to be a surprise for everybody.
yours in light and big huggles to all.

2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiting at ConFuzzled
« on: May 12, 2008, 15:45:18 »
to always have water whilst suited up, i'm doing a feera bag for my water and bits
i have made it and furred it, are any other furs doing this a bag to blend with ones
fursuit?, as most fursuits correct me if i'm wrong they don't have pockets as far as
i know.

2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiting at ConFuzzled
« on: April 25, 2008, 11:07:00 »
well i would not myself see that as fetish, but i can understand why some might, but if a head is
pvc then furred up, so it looks cuddly and nice is that exceptable for wearing? if pvc is only
used as the head frame not for the look of pvc?, imagine puting long haired fur on such a frame.
is this ok, for a head?, 

or maybe just sending pics of heads or fusuits to run by staff before brining it, would prevent problems,
with CF staff, for nothings worse than packing a fursuit finding out it can't be used, i find pvc a bit harsh
looking if not furred, i have two fursuits but more heads, maybe a bit on acceptable hybrid construction
techniques, would clear up what can be used for head and fursuit construction, and what can not. within
the CF rules because some who are making heads and fursuits for CF at  home may not be aware of forbidden
techniques of construction.

Alexfox Wrote:

What are you talking about? Some kind of skin tight squirrel suit?
I can think of why it isn't appreciated by some members of the convention, and possibly even less by the general public.

Feera Fox Wrote: skin tight squirrel suit?, yes with pvc tail

2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiter Support
« on: April 23, 2008, 14:06:37 »
headless lounge, ah i understand, a place to vent off the heat that builds up in heads
and watering place, for cooling off. thanks for filling that gap in my knowledge in.

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