ConFuzzled Forum

ConFuzzled Forums => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Flint on May 14, 2009, 15:01:30

Title: Greetings to you all!
Post by: Flint on May 14, 2009, 15:01:30
Or in other words, hello! I realise I'm a bit of a latecomer to this forum with what the con being only slightly over a week away (time sure does go fast) but eh, better late than never. Thought I'd check by and see what's going on here before the con, see who's coming etc.

I go by Flint, I'm actually Finnish but currently living in the UK. I'm a fursuiter and you can see my furrier persona here ( Confuzzled's not only going to be my very first con ever but also only my very second public outing so I'm both nervous and excited! Great little coincidence too for a first con, always been a huge Victorian English fan. Won't be participating in any of the fursuit games this year, just gonna see what things are like - newbie suiter nerves and such.

Should be great fun and to anyone who fancies fox hugs, you're always entitled to a free Flinty one. ;D

Now if I could only come up with a way to make a hat stay on my suit's head so I'd look a bit more fancier around the con...
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: DiegoWolfFox on May 14, 2009, 15:22:00
Or in other words, hello! I realise I'm a bit of a latecomer to this forum with what the con being only slightly over a week away (time sure does go fast) but eh, better late than never. Thought I'd check by and see what's going on here before the con, see who's coming etc.

I go by Flint, I'm actually Finnish but currently living in the UK. I'm a fursuiter and you can see my furrier persona here ( Confuzzled's not only going to be my very first con ever but also only my very second public outing so I'm both nervous and excited! Great little coincidence too for a first con, always been a huge Victorian English fan. Won't be participating in any of the fursuit games this year, just gonna see what things are like - newbie suiter nerves and such.

Should be great fun and to anyone who fancies fox hugs, you're always entitled to a free Flinty one. ;D

Now if I could only come up with a way to make a hat stay on my suit's head so I'd look a bit more fancier around the con...
Good to see you here Flint.. And nice suit you got there on your avatar :)
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: Kyyanno on May 14, 2009, 18:12:57
Welcome to the forums, and enjoy CF! It's only a week away now!

Now if I could only come up with a way to make a hat stay on my suit's head so I'd look a bit more fancier around the con...

Have you considered maybe trying hair slides/clips/pins or hat pins? It'd mean the hat would be stuck on, but at least it would be on. To have it removable whilst in suit, you'd probably need to make some minor alterations to one to fit around ears/headfur etc.
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: LevLion on May 14, 2009, 18:17:15
Yes Kyy leads the way here, I use hair slides too 2 or 3 on each side of my head holds me hair back fine.

Also welcome and I hope you enjoy the con
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: Utlah on May 14, 2009, 20:15:36
Welcome.  :)

I wore a Russian Ushanka on my other suit once. I attached it to the fursuit head by simply using a needle and thread, and tacking it in place with three separate loops of thread tied in a knot to hold it on.  Each loop went all the way through both foam head and hat to secure in place. It was robust enough to hold the hat in place without any real problems, though I did have to redo one of the stitches at one point, so it requires a little experimentation. The two key advantages of this method are;

The other option I keep hearing is to embed Neodymium magnets into both the head and object you wish to attach, which would allow hidden reattachment and a range of accessories, as well as the ability to degauss video tape and disrupt CRT television images.  ;D Personally I prefer the idea of using thread though.  ;)

Hope this helps you look more "dapper" at the Con. :)
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: Flint on May 14, 2009, 22:08:36
Thanks all for the greetings!

I hadn't actually thought of hair clips, definitely something to keep in mind. The idea of pins came across me though, just that putting sharp things in the head sounds a bit eh. Needle and thread seems to be the best solution though but I'm not really sure how to sew things into a head without damaging it (not to mention I've completely forgotten how to sew, although I can probably get a crash course on that from a friend). I think I'm just needlessly paranoid about damaging the head or its looks by puncturing it with a needle or something, first suit jitters and so forth :D. Thank you for all the tips, they're really appreciated loads.

Still a bit over a week to go so a tad of time left to do something about it. Still need to actually get the hat too, haha.
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: LevLion on May 15, 2009, 09:51:47
Hair clips arent sharp or needly tho they are just bent bits of metal and the ends are covered in plastic so theres really no way to hurt yoruself. Once they are in your hair they lay flat against your head so cant cause any problems, I understand worries of metal and your head but really this is what they are deisnged to do its not like you are using them for something completly strange they are designed to hold peoples hair back ;)

No sure Id go for that megnets in the head idea ;) every time you pass a monitor youll pull the colours he he he, stick to lamp posts, interfear with radio equipment he he he. Although you could do a cool trick of sticking steel coke cans to yoru head as a party piece ^.^
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: Kyyanno on May 15, 2009, 11:30:21

No sure Id go for that megnets in the head idea ;) every time you pass a monitor youll pull the colours he he he, stick to lamp posts, interfear with radio equipment he he he. Although you could do a cool trick of sticking steel coke cans to yoru head as a party piece ^.^

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT give the weasel ideas! XD
Title: Re: Greetings to you all!
Post by: Utlah on May 15, 2009, 15:34:11
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT give the weasel ideas! XD

Too late! ;D Besides, the weasel knows who already has magnets installed in their head, and is looking forward to abusing that knowledge.  ;)