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Messages - Blaster2

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Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Furry Runners RPG
« on: August 24, 2007, 01:15:50 »
Anyone who fancies Playtesting my RPG system, please contact me here, or via my e-mail Superhedgie (at)

Oh, and the website is

Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion / Re: Literature
« on: July 23, 2007, 02:45:13 »
If I read anything, I prefer Sci-Fi over all other genres. Science Fiction is SO diverse it allows all manner of ideas to be incorporated.

2008 Discussion / Re: I'm the first here?
« on: July 21, 2007, 15:32:51 »
Yeah I'm good. I eventually got that smelly twat out of my life, and if you don't know who I mean I envy you.

In which case, envy away!!!

2008 Discussion / Re: I'm the first here?
« on: July 20, 2007, 00:16:10 »
Hedgie! Long time no blah, how goes?

Very well thank you, I assume you are the same?

2008 Discussion / Re: I'm the first here?
« on: July 20, 2007, 00:15:34 »
Yeah...You got banned from "singing" on TigerTails Radio because of the quality of your performances though hedgie ;)    *hides*



I wasn't 'banned'!! I was mearly asked to refrain from performing again. There's a big difference!! Besides, I plan to re-record 'It's raining plush' for Confuzzled.

2008 Discussion / Re: I'm the first here?
« on: July 19, 2007, 01:11:21 »
Ahem!! I registered as a musician too!!

I'm a singer, and I also play the Keyboard. I'm sorta known for my performances when I attended Further Confusion.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Danish greetings
« on: July 09, 2007, 23:54:18 »
Groovy!! The more the merrier! Plus, I'd like to meet some furs from other parts of Europe!!

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: Furtean Times 2
« on: June 25, 2007, 03:13:27 »
YEAH!! The Top 50 Characters!!! I'm happy, and a bit surprised to be honest, as to who won!!

Announcements (CF2008-CF2011) / Re: Neeewwww stufff :D
« on: June 21, 2007, 00:42:25 »
Hands..err...paws up who thinks there's gonna be a plushie of him for sale at Confuzzled!

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: Show us your conbadges
« on: June 14, 2007, 19:50:08 »
Some cool badges you have there, Blaster2 =^.^=
Thank you!  ;D

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: Show us your conbadges
« on: June 14, 2007, 16:40:54 »
As promised, here is VERY small selection (and I mean that! I own 23!) of the con badges I have aquired!

1: The first ever con badge I had made, at Duckon VIII in July 1999. Jim Groat, the artist, had no idea what a hedgehog actually looked like, since he was only familiar with porcupines. I had to buy a plush toy from the Hotel gift shop for him to work from! It was worth it though. It got bent when I hugged my Great Aunt after the con though. I stopped wearing my badges post-con after that incident!
2: My first fursuit badge, made at FCY2K none the less!
3: FC2001: A furry oddessy! My fursuit badge from that con!
4: FC2002: Further Confusion University. Spotting a theme here folks?
5: I can't even remember who did this one! The signature reads Monika, and the year 2000. I DO remember that this one took nearly half a day to do! I had to come back to collect it. Normally badges are done 'while you wait'. This is probably the most 'serious' con badge I own.
6: Jim Groat again! He saw con badge #5 and immediately said "That's a chupacabra!" and proceeded to draw me a con badge mocking the other one. I thought it was very funny :)
7: And finally, Marci McAdam! I asked her to do Evil Blaster, as per badges #5 and #6, yet Marci seems to be able to draw cute and only cute, even if she tries to do evil. This badge is freaky, yet....cute!! There is no other word for it!!

Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion / Re: Comedy and comedians
« on: May 26, 2007, 08:50:11 »
I'm a fan of the alternative comics, Jerry Seinfeld especially. A lot of people don't find him funny, due to his extensively American aimed humour, but his Sitcom has always made me laugh.

Also, I don't like comedians who swear all the time. I don't do it a lot myself, and if I do, it's under my breath. I actually feel physically dirty if I utter an obscenity. Even if it's in a jokey way. I was brought up in an affluent household, with very wealthy parents who were both extremely clean cut. They never swore or cursed, never watched TV shows or films with excessive blue content either. I even got asked by some kids at school "Why don't you swear?" as if it was strange to actually have a clean mouth!!

Yeah, so now you all know, I was a spoilt kid from a rich family living in a top class A band council tax area!

2008 Discussion / Re: Spirituality
« on: May 26, 2007, 08:42:59 »
I'm Wiccan, which means I believe in the power of the earth, the sun and the moon.

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's about time...
« on: May 26, 2007, 08:41:36 »
I have my first fursuit on order from MixedCandy which is due in July now as LV has experienced delays. Good friends with a number of you on here, Graafen, Cerb and Shema.... and that big mountainous bundle of fur known as Avalanche  ;)

Oooo, another Mixed Candy subscriber! I have one scheduled for next year from them! Eeeeee!

Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion / Re: Television
« on: May 26, 2007, 08:39:55 »
I'm another CSI whore, I can't get enough of it! Things like Law and Order, courtroom dramas and anything like that are definately my cup of tea. Give me a Columbo marathon and I'd be there!

I'm also a lover of gruesome horror films, no idea why, I used to hate them, and curl up on the sofa hiding behind whatever was nearest!

Sci-fi is anything essential! I love Star Trek, Doctor Who etc.

Oh, and pretty much anything cartoony and aimed at age 10+

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