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Messages - Feera Fox

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Events / Re: Fursuits go Dutch
« on: November 23, 2011, 15:38:29 »
I think using dutch might give dutch fursuiters an un-fair advantage in fursuit games
unless one gives out phrase cards with phonetic soundings and translations  :)

Off-Topic / Ideas,concepts and dressing the theme
« on: August 10, 2011, 14:18:26 »
I'm sure there are a few, who have not got any idea as how to dress up, i'm one
of them so this will be the place to for all to put ideas and suggestions, on this
topic, and feedback here would be welcome..

just ask questions and throw ideas down in the air and see what you come up with.  :)

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Fursuit Empowerment
« on: July 11, 2011, 14:31:00 »
Dear Souls,

I asking From a spiritual angle how do people empower their fursuits?
magick, ritual, meditation, the idea is to blend the fursona with the
wearer, in history actors used masks and other such costumes with
ritual and prayers to help them assume their roles in the plays they
purrformed, how far has this been taken up by the fandom i do
not know, i've heard of furs blessing tails before wearing them.
so there must be some link, that it for now, i'm going to end.
this post to hopefully inspire ideas for others.

Blessings to you all.  :) :) :)

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: my fursuit
« on: July 11, 2011, 14:18:54 »
it's does not matter if your suit cost £300 or 3 Pence, as long as one enjoys fursuiting, but one has
to be careful where one fursuits, after all you don't want to get a damaged fursuit, this is to help
anyfur who wants, places NOT To fursuit 1..near flames 2..near any form of mud 3..anyplace where
one is lible to fall over. care for your fursuit and it will care for you. i won't post here again on this
topic, as this is just for refernce.  :)

The food was Ok, I had bacon, and 2 sets of chippys, and a few cups of cha
I did not eat much burgers was nice, the chips were pricey, but that' just me
mind you, you do tend not to eat a lot at cons, but boy my bar bill was a monster
about 80 quid, one question what did they stick that bacon together with EVO-STIK  :)

food was deer, but it's only once a year

Introduce Yourself / Re: Lost Cause
« on: January 10, 2011, 14:51:54 »
please give the staff, a little more time about a week and a half, as they are
rather busy furrs this time of year, then contact registration, if nothing happens
after the above time. hope this helps

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: anubis
« on: October 18, 2010, 14:58:32 »
Next, his lair will be full of anubis plushies, Hee Hee, it's good but will he be able to walk in his lair?  :D
Anubis, Anpu or Inpu, That's what the ancient egyptians called him, as for ears cardboard or plastic?
Anubis? well nobody wants an old one :D

Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion / Re: Furries and sexuality
« on: May 24, 2010, 14:13:41 »
reading this i say sexuality is only in my view a very small part of the fandom, pun not intended
there's art, fursuiting, inner spiritual dimensions should one wish to take it in that direction, sewing
yes, huggles, just to make one go ahhh, my feelings about sex in the fandom and non-furry world.
is get to know the person first, for the best relationships are founded, on trust honor and respecting.
the other person.

to just jump in the sack with somebody willy nilly, is in my opinion shorted lived and sometimes
destructive, to both parties involved. love i feel should be guiding feeling not lust, just be happy
and have great lives, peace to all

Pawpet Show / Re: Pawpet Show
« on: May 12, 2010, 13:51:21 »
Pawpet 2010, yes they've done it again pawsome, it just gets better. give them
a massive round of a paws!  :)

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: Am I too old to start fursuiting?
« on: April 24, 2010, 20:36:03 »
Well im 36 and ive been fursuiting for a few years now. No nobody is too old to fursuit. Even at 100 providing they have to medical problems preveting them from doing so. I say go for it whatever your age enjoy yourself.

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: New Furmeets
« on: April 24, 2010, 20:21:26 »
Dear Soul
Well due to circumstances beyond my control i have not done any for a while but after cf if things get better i shall start them up again. See my website for details on shrewsbury furmeet link. i do really want to get back to doing them i really hope i can do so. Still im here to talk anytime, you can get messages to me anytime by SMS if time sensetive. Yours in light always. Feera fox

Announcements (CF2008-CF2011) / Re: ConFuzzled Registration
« on: August 24, 2009, 16:04:29 »
Feera fully paid up, thank you to all concerned in processing me promply
that's professionalism for you, quick and smooth, well done  8)

Off-Topic Non Furry Discussion / Re: Furries and sexuality
« on: July 15, 2009, 13:07:39 »
as long as you love the person with all your heart, then any relationship
should work rather well as for the sexuality side, as long as the realtionship
is not just based solely on sex, things should go swimmingley/really well
i know you don't choose who you love, but that's life.  :)

Dear Sir,
i'm looking to find UltraViolet or the person who sold me the art "joicey" #2-25, i wish to
if possible to buy a replacement, it was the one with the red and white male
equines, as my dog has destroyed the print  :(  and i need to get a replacement, please
feel free to contact me via my mobile no. on my website if required, it's under
the furmeet link, or just e-mail me, i was going to frame it as it was the first piece of
artwork i've ever brought. i just hope you can help me.

yours hopefully
feera fox
PS: thank you for taking the time to read this post

Pawpet Show / Re: Pawpet Show
« on: May 27, 2009, 15:00:17 »
The Pawpet Show was absolutely wonderful, it was the first live one i'd ever seen
i would like to pass on many huggles to all involved, before i'd only seen shows
on christian tv, it was massively better than their TV Attempts, i was blown away
by the timing, the stage craft and the pawpets themselves.

you can't really make this work as well on film this is something you must see
live to get the real impact of the show, that said if all pawpet shows are this
good. wow what more can i say, but BRAVO!, more more Encore!  :)

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