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Topics - KristenDeity

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Feedback / Feedback of sorts!
« on: May 29, 2014, 13:08:34 »
First of all, may I say that CFz was brilliant as usual this year! Despite being a new location, I found myself having fun and all around enjoying my time at the convention.
But, onto feedback!


I will not go into my personal problems, but I do want to address a few things. The contest has always been a popular event so was a little disappointed with the size of the room that it was held in. Whilst I am not one to complain, as I was one of the first people in and was quite comfy and on a chair, I saw people looking a little uncomfortable and such because they were squashed onto the floor. I don't think sitting on the floor was a problem for most, it was just how crowded it was. Maybe next year, a bigger room would suffice. :)

Secondly, I do not understand why there was only a first place prize this year? All previous years they have always announced 2nd and 3rd, regardless if they get a trophy or not (which I also think would be a nice touch.) Something small I know, but I heard a few people, dancers and audience asking why there was only a first place award.


Now this will probably be a section which will cause some drama.
I understand people want to auction off pieces of their art, whether it be an original piece or a limited print of something and some people want to keep most of the profits and donate a little to charity. I personally have no issues with this, but here's my complaint about it.
I think if a piece goes to live auction, regardless of how many bids it has gained before hand, I think for a piece of artwork to go to auction, the piece should have an absolute minimum of 20% to be accepted into the live auction. The main reason behind the CHARITY auction is that some of the money should go to charity. The live auction will attract a lot more bids on an item, generating more money to go to the chosen charity. As mentioned above, I have no issues with people submitting art and having a 5% or even 0 to charity, but I think if a piece is chosen to go to auction, it should be at least 20% or higher charity donation.

My complete and utter respect goes to those who give 100% to charity during the auction. :)

That's about all the complaining I have to do for now.
Hats off to all the staff for organizing a great con as always, despite the delays but it wouldn't be Confuzzled if events ran on time. ;)

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