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Topics - Flake

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic / ATM somewhere?
« on: April 23, 2012, 18:52:14 »
I have kinda a question, and since British pounds are pretty expensive. Is the somewhere a ATM in the hood?
Since the full amount of money that I want to take with me is simply to much to get all in one time, so I need to take it over 2 times.
and I have kinda the luck that I get again money when I'm just there, but I cant order any money at my bank in time before I leave.
I saw on Google maps that the is a Texaco nearby, but if he have a ATM is just the question.

I don't want to bag my grandmother or my mother for money, so I really hope that the is a ATM there

And how much are kinda the charges for the meals and drinks?
I have a sponsor registration, but how much are the meals included in that?

Introduce Yourself / A new White Shepherd
« on: April 14, 2012, 18:40:54 »
Heya everybody.
I'm kinda terrible to make introductions, but I'll give it my best shot.

My name is Frans, as fur is my name Flake.
I'm quite new toward cons en events, Confuzzled will be my first con ever and my first trip far away from home solo..
I'm quite nervous for that, since I've actually never been that far away home before..

I draw sometimes, but i really suck at drawing furry's. I hope that the will be some people that can give me useful tips.
But mostly i game a lot, especially Call of Duty. I love that game.

But anyway, if you want to know more about me, don't be shy and ask. That are not many questions that i don't want to answer.

hope to see you all soon at Confuzzled 2012

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