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Messages - weremoco

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Photoshoot Previews
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:10:50 »

Feedback / Re: Photoshoot feedback
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:06:02 »
The photoshoot was I thought really good :D

The instant preview was awesome - just enough to whet the appetite and useful for both suiter and photographer alike to correct issues quickly.

The queue system is a good thing - slots just wouldn't work with things overrunning and so on - and thank you to the lovely people who let me push in a little to squeeze a couple of photos in on Sunday - negative 6 minutes on the schedule was stressful!

I found it incredibly amusing that the photoshoot was upstairs - someone loves H and S forms! Although with time and care it was absolutely fine personally - even in slippery footpaws and full plate armour :D

Announcements / Re: Confuzzled Fursuit Dance Competition 2012
« on: April 18, 2012, 03:32:52 »
pompoms yes
flaming chainsaw juggling no.

Awww dangit.

*scrubs entire routine*

Room & Transport Sharing / Re: Bunny in need of a roomie...!
« on: March 26, 2012, 00:16:47 »
Apologies Stik, I am sorted; sharing with Greex, as long as he comes online so I can grab his badge number :)


Am now sorted ^__^

Room & Transport Sharing / Re: Bunny in need of a roomie...!
« on: March 21, 2012, 14:44:09 »
Azi says he's sorted, so still looking!

Room & Transport Sharing / Bunny in need of a roomie...!
« on: March 21, 2012, 00:40:51 »
1 Bunny in need of a Roomie!

My first "proper" con, although I've been to Infest several times so not a total noob!

I am arriving Thurs, and leaving Monday..... have a Twin room for extra bed space

Will be suiting, and going to the dances late, but otherwise easygoing

27, Male (not smelly), will have fursuit and repair kit (just in case), non-smoker, enjoys cider and cake

Get in touch on here or via skype (weremoco) or on weremoco at gmail com !

Events / Re: Music video for confuzzled...Planning
« on: March 17, 2012, 02:11:51 »
I'm definitely up for this :D

Any excuse for a boogie ^____^

Pages: [1]