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Messages - Midnight_the_Wolf

Pages: [1]
being new to the whole scene I am not planning on coming in a fursuit next year and I would find a lot of this stuff very interesting to hear, I may even bring a notepad and take notes if that is allowed

Off-Topic / Fursuit Advice
« on: September 28, 2013, 08:28:13 »
Hey I am fairly new to all this and I have previously built a realistic wolf suit for my Live Action Roleplay character that I have, when I get chance I'll upload some photos.

Now I'm looking at building my own fursuit and my mum is going to help me, she helped me on the previous project also, but she has mentioned using Kapok to fill out the head/digigrade legs which should make it lighter.

Has anyone had any experience of using Kapok in the past and does it work well or not?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Heya
« on: September 25, 2013, 20:13:16 »
Hey I'm from Preston so not to far away, good to see there are Furries around here ^.^

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey
« on: September 23, 2013, 18:13:43 »
That would be awesome MorbiusMonster, the main problem I am having atm is the head, I have made wolf heads for Live Action Roleplay before but they're fairly realistic looking and quite close to my eyes etc, and I notice a lot of people use foam to pad out the heads so I need some help when creating the cartoony style I want to create with the two furries I have in mind.

Introduce Yourself / Hey
« on: September 22, 2013, 09:22:10 »
Hello everyone!

I am Midnight and I am a wolf, I'm fairly new to the furry fandom and looking to meet people and have fun. I'm quite bubbly, bouncy and playful, sometimes I can be kind of shy with new people but as soon as I get to know people better I go back to being bouncy and bubbly.

I don't have a fursuit yet, I am saving up for one and looking for recommendations for someone who can make one for me.

I like Cyberpunk, Steampunk, reading, writing, playing video games, comic books (Mainly Marvel), drawing and swimming.

So that's a bit about me, feel free to talk to me if you like I promise I don't bite ^.^

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