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Messages - Agrajag

Pages: [1]
Dealers Den & Art Auction / Re: Dealer den table requests
« on: October 28, 2015, 13:52:32 »
Thanks for the reply. Cosmo has helped out via email now.


Dealers Den & Art Auction / Dealer den table requests
« on: October 21, 2015, 14:47:30 »
Hi there - kind of cross posted from twitter, but I have a few questions:
  • Can I request to be next to another dealer a we are sharing some equipment
  • How do I request 2 x tables through the dashboard
  • I wish to bring a floorstanding hatstand which will occupy about the same space as a table. Can I book 2 x tables and then have one removed?
  • What is your favourite colour?

I originally requested a wall space but these have all gone now. If I am permitted to bring my hatstand, see below I would prefer to be out of the way of corners and without overshadowing other dealers. I did find the space a little cramped last year.

Events / Carnivale Masque Making Workshop 2016
« on: October 06, 2015, 12:00:01 »
I'm thinking of running a craft workshop for making your own mask and trying to gauge interest. I think it could be for about 10 participants (makers) and then the rest can be spectators. There would probably be a charge of about £10-20 for materials only (I need to check this with con-ops). You'd get to keep what ever you make.

I'm considering doing it over 2 sessions instead on one really long one.

I did a SIG on hatmaking last year and talked about lots of materials that can be used so can now bring some of this to life.

Let me know if there's interest - this is not a sign up! I will do that nearer the time. Just to gauge interest at this stage.

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