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Messages - Axiom

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Selling Non-Residential Plus [Discounted] Ticket
« on: January 22, 2014, 21:25:28 »
(I hope this is the right section of the forum to post this in)
I was told to post around and try and sell my ticket now that I'm unable to attend the convention this year.

It's a plus ticket with no hotel room. If you're interested in attending and want a cheaper than usual ticket we can sort of pricing and whatnot.
Registration can help with the switch-over if you decide you want it.

It seemed fair to make it a tad cheaper because I don't see why anyone would buy a normal ticket from someone when they're not sold out yet.

Thank you! I didn't expect to get a reply. These forums seem very quiet.

Introduce Yourself / First time being ConFuzzled (c wut i did thar?)
« on: January 06, 2014, 22:06:50 »
(: I've been to a few conventions but this is the first time I've done ConFuzzled. I'm getting a steady student loan so I can finally afford another furry gathering. It's been years.

I'm 22, have been a fur since I was 15 and I've just moved to Yorkshire to study video game art at uni.

Hi! That's me! So come up to me if you see me around the convention.
I am a complete introvert so be gentle. :P

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