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Messages - Shema

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion / Re: Attending Only - Dead Dog
« on: August 26, 2014, 12:50:51 »
Brilliant! :D Thank you so much!

Discussion / Re: Attending Only - Dead Dog
« on: August 13, 2014, 17:11:29 »
Thanks Tungro! :)

Discussion / Attending Only - Dead Dog
« on: August 13, 2014, 13:44:16 »
Hi all,

I'd like to buy an attending only ticket, but would also like to attend the dead dog party which I understand is usually held on the extra night.

Is the attending only ticket still valid during this time?

Dealers Forum / Re: CF 2009 Dealers' den feedback
« on: June 08, 2009, 14:29:48 »
I've never submitted art into an art show before so I had no idea what to do, but you guys were very helpful and made it all clear and simple and you were very welcoming too. Thank you for your kindness :3

LMAO! Thanks for posting this it's the best laugh I've had all week xD

I have only positive things to say about the fursuit lounge and thank you to TigerTom for allowing us to overflow into the photoshoot room after the fursuit parade. My thanks to the staff who provided all the facilities available in the fursuit lounge :3

Questions and Answers / Re: ConFuzzled 2011?
« on: August 15, 2007, 11:36:46 »
Heres hoping ConFuzzled will still be going in 2011! ;D

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Re: fursuit photos
« on: August 15, 2007, 11:28:54 »


2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiting at ConFuzzled
« on: August 15, 2007, 11:13:47 »
Sooo happy I can finally post here with a picture of Tosca now!

Expect to see her at ConFuzzled!  :D

Sno and I also may have plans to be bring another fursuit along - a partial - but for now that's a secret...

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's about time...
« on: May 23, 2007, 12:33:42 »
eeee! *takle-hug*  :D

2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiting at ConFuzzled
« on: May 20, 2007, 21:28:03 »
Timduru will love you! :D

I've been saying that for months :D

Squeee ^^

2008 Discussion / Re: Fursuiting at ConFuzzled
« on: May 15, 2007, 22:38:52 »
I will be bringing Tosca! She'll hopefully be finished by then (she's expected to be finished this year) so expect to see her there  :D

Also copied from the ukFur forums:

I always used to pretend I was a dog when I was younger to play with my dog Sam. I used to enjoy it so much and also when I was small every wish I ever made was "I wish I was a cat". I was facinated with the way they moved and wanted to be one.

Now, I am sure most children pretend to be animals and such, but my wish carried on with me as I grew up. I loved the Lion King and after seeing The Lion King 2, my feelings for wanting to be feline grew even stronger. However, because I was 13 years old it would have seemed silly for me to 'pretend' to be a lion, crawling on the floor as I did when I was younger, but the only way that I could was to play with my cat, or dog (that way it didn't seem so bad to everyone else).

I also tried to pretend when walking home from school that I was walking with big paws (though on two legs of course). In my mind I would wonder if anyone else shared the same thoughts with me or anything or if I was just odd. I never told anyone. But when I pretended I was this lion I would feel so free, warm, comfortable and .. sort of in touch with nature, I think is the only way to describe it. It made me so happy.

I don't know how I came across it, but I found The Lion King Fanart Archive (TLKFAA). I would occationally browse the site and also Neopets. I noticed on TLKFAA that people had characters to represent themselves. I thought that this was such a fantastic idea and because I had always felt like a lion and wanted to be one I started designing my own character. By this time I had already met Snoblissea a couple of years back, but I didn't know he was also furry yet.

Then one day I drew Shema. I put a picture of her on MSN and was talking to Sno. He asked about the picture and I explained that she was my 'character' which I draw to represent me. He also had a picture of an Orca in his display picture and said "This is my character too!". I was like O_O. I think at that point he asked if I was furry, but I had no idea what he was talking about. He pointed me towards some web sites that explained it but it made me a bit nervous at first, as I was worried that it was just some wierd fettish, or something.

As the months went on though I started to understand furry more. My art was improving further and Sno and I became ever closer. It took me a while to actually classify myself as furry, but now that I understand it more I understand myself more and why, now that I am 20 years old, I STILL wish I was feline. It just makes sense to me now



I am now more into the furry fandom then Sno is. I drag him to furmeets and conventions xD

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello from a Lioness
« on: May 15, 2007, 11:39:45 »
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone  :)

*hugs everyone*

Off-Topic Furry Discussion / Furry Artwork!
« on: May 14, 2007, 10:25:20 »
Post links to your artwork, photography and other creative skills  :D

I'd be grateful if you could say wether or not the links you post are safe for work please :)

Here are mine: - Currently my main gallery - My Lion King fan art gallery
Both are safe for work!

Show me yours ;D

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