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Messages - Tsanawo

Pages: [1] 2
To be clear, the Fat Fluff Rabbit Rescue is not a sponsor, but the selected charity.
On that note I have asked our Charity Liaison to have a look.

Feedback / Re: "Your first ConFuzzled/con"
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:54:11 »
Except this event is mostly attended by people out of suit.
But I'm sure out events team will take this into consideration for next year.

(Which doesn't mean I'm saying it will be done, I'm not in events so I can't make any promises).

Events / Re: Is an thier an old program anywhere ?
« on: September 21, 2014, 21:10:05 »
Hello Amberclaw,

That totally depends on which day you're arriving.
If the day is the early arrival day, no worries, no programming takes place on that day.

If it's the first official con day, yes, you will miss some stuff.
Last year you would've missed The opening cermonies and the sponsors preview of the art show, oh and the Barbeque and volunteers briefing.
Most panels start on the second day, but then again no promises, who knows what events will come up this year. :D

Feedback / Re: My Confuzzled 2014 Feedback
« on: June 03, 2014, 08:36:28 »
- Theming.

I enjoyed the theming of the con, it was done really well. However, it only seemed to be in one side of the hotel. It's my understanding that this was due to the hotel being shared with non-convention goers, but it may have been nicer if it was a little more spread out around the hotel.

The hotel gave us permission to theme this specific area of the hotel. :) Maybe next year they allow us to theme more of the hotel. :)

Adding to this, it was a shame to see some of the theme stuff still being built on the Saturday/Sunday of the con. It just seemed a shame it wasn't ready for the opening.
We would've liked it ready for the opening ceremonies as well.
But unfortuanatly we didn't manage to get it done in time and tried our best throughout the con to get things working.

Discussion / Re: reg question.
« on: January 29, 2013, 15:13:01 »
Could you ask him for his ticket number, if he mailed the registration team he should've gotten one.
Then we can pass this on to the registration team to look into it.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Another dutch fur
« on: December 17, 2012, 16:20:13 »
Shush you, we need more moonspeakers in the UK ;)

Welcome ^_^

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey there all! :) its foxximar! ^^
« on: November 06, 2012, 10:16:31 »
Ah ha! Nice to see you here, we have a large Dutch contingent already booked in.

We're slowly invading this con, up until the point we drag it over to the Netherlands. Mwhahahahaha. *cough cough* Ehm, I mean, welcome ^_^

Great! Even more Moonspeak™  capable persons, yay! :D

Welcome :D

Feedback / Re: 2012 Feedback
« on: May 31, 2012, 20:17:49 »
Sorry, that was my fault. I forgot to give instructions when I handed out the radio.

Next year remind me, Rin ;) And it would've been so easy to do it in Moonspeak (tm)!

Dealers Den & Art Auction / Re: Art Auction submissions
« on: April 04, 2012, 16:21:17 »
Hi Azrafox,

How do I get a place?

To submit items to the Auction, bring your work on Friday to the Art Show (Mayfair Suite). After auction pre-bidding opens on Saturday, auction submissions will be at staff discretion.
Live Auction

Once two or more bids have been made on an item, it may be put through to the live auction. If it reaches four bids it will automatically be put in to the live auction.

In short; if you want something in the auction, bring it to the art show on Friday May 25th and hand it over to the staff.

Events / Re: Origami
« on: March 12, 2012, 22:35:09 »
I hope to make it this year, I intend to every year but get tied down in Ops.

If you origami me a raccoon I'll look after ops for you ;)

Deal, though I will not be responsible if it takes over your role in ops ;)
Eh, I can life with that, means more time for me to relax.  :P

Events / Re: Origami
« on: March 12, 2012, 14:26:52 »
I hope to make it this year, I intend to every year but get tied down in Ops.

If you origami me a raccoon I'll look after ops for you ;)

Off-Topic / Re: Lost Details
« on: February 24, 2012, 10:26:07 »
Sorry Tungro, but after FE it's been decided that if you are not there to deny it, it must have been you. For example, where did all the feeeeeesh go?
It's in the private staff fishpond so we have a fresh supply of feeeesh for all the staffers who eat it. ^_^ Feeeeesh ! :9

So, yeah that is partly his fault.

Discussion / Re: Badge picture?
« on: January 17, 2012, 20:33:23 »
What you see there is what you get, yes it's small, then again it's printed on a credit card sized badge.

As for what to upload:
Whatever you see fit as long as it's decent.

I've uploaded a photo of my badge from last year, this might give an idea of the size relative to the badge.

Dealers Den & Art Auction / Re: art types and framing
« on: December 11, 2011, 19:07:15 »
Normally people should not touch objects in an exhibition anyhow (which is of course different for the dealers den).
While this is true, you'll find it still happens. Now I don't say it does or doesn't happen on ConFuzzled, but seeing the possibility it might happen protecting the art is a sane idea.

Anyway ... I will be at the Con starting from thursday and I also opted for volunteering ... so if you maybe need help to set up the show I can maybe even help a bit ...
Once you've arrived on the con and got registered you can check at Con-Ops to see if help is wanted and where. :)

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