Hi, I'm Lamar. And despite living in the UK all my life, I'm probably more well known in the US fandom than the UK one for various reasons...
I'm a submissions editor on the
Belfry Web Comics Index, and last Confuzzled I filled in at The Gneech's panel on webcomics for the first fifteen minutes. (You'll also be able to see some of my colouring/digital restoration work on The Gneech's upcoming 'Suburban Jungle' print collections!) I'll likely run a webcomic panel again, if I can find some active creators who'll be willing to be panelists for it.
I've also been to, and volunteered at, other fandom conventions at the Hinckley Island Hotel before. I don't gopher or staff at cons anymore due to needing a walking stick to get around, but am happy helping out with anything I can do while sitting down! (CFS, bleh)
The fastest I have ever broken my "I am not volunteering at this convention" promise was at the 2005 Worldcon. While wandering the convention center an hour before registration started, I sat down on a chair.
They built an information desk around me.